
- (英)皮尔斯主编;毕吉耀,谷爱俊译 著
- 出版社: 北京:北京航空航天大学出版社
- ISBN:7810123165
- 出版时间:1992
- 标注页数:659页
- 文件大小:30MB
- 文件页数:732页
- 主题词:经济学(学科: 词典)
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ACCB 非洲中央银行协会1
abatement cost 除害成本1
ability and earnings 能力与收入1
ability to pay theory 支付能力理论,(负税能力说)1
ACCB 非洲中央银行协会1
abatement cost 除害成本1
ability and earnings 能力与收入1
ability to pay theory 支付能力理论,(负税能力说)1
absentee landlord 遥领地主2
absolute advantage 绝对优势2
absolute cost advantage 绝对成本优势2
absolute income hypothesis 绝对收入假说2
absolute income hypothesis 绝对收入假说2
absenteeism 旷工2
abnormal profits 非正常利润2
above the line 线上预算2
abscissa 横坐标2
absenteeism 旷工2
abnormal profits 非正常利润2
absentee landlord 遥领地主2
above the line 线上预算2
absolute advantage 绝对优势2
abscissa 横坐标2
absolute cost advantage 绝对成本优势2
absolute monopoly 绝对垄断3
absolute prices 绝对价格3
absolute monopoly 绝对垄断3
absolute value 绝对值3
absorption appraoch 吸收分析法3
abstinece 节欲3
absolute scarcity 绝对稀缺3
absolute prices 绝对价格3
absolute scarcity 绝对稀缺3
absolute value 绝对值3
absorption appraoch 吸收分析法3
abstinece 节欲3
accelerated depreciation 加速折旧4
accelerating inflation 加速性通货膨胀4
accelerator 加速数4
accelerator coefficient 加速系数4
accelerator principle 加速原理4
acceptance 承兑4
accepting house 承兑行4
accelerated depreciation 加速折旧4
accepting house 承兑行4
accelerating inflation 加速性通货膨胀4
accelerator 加速数4
accelerator coefficient 加速系数4
accelerator principle 加速原理4
acceptance 承兑4
accession rate 加入率5
accession, treaty of 《加入条约》5
accessions tax 赠益税5
access/space trade-off model 位置/空间交替模型5
accommodating monetary policy 适应性货币政策5
accommodating transactions 适应性交易5
accession rate 加入率5
accession, treaty of 《加入条约》5
accessions tax 赠益税5
access/space trade-off model 位置/空间交替模型5
accommodating monetary policy 适应性货币政策5
accommodating transactions 适应性交易5
accrued expenses 应计费用6
achieving society, the 《有成就的社会》6
across-the-board tariff changes 全面改变关税6
account (1)帐户(2)结帐期6
accounting standards committe 会计标准委员会6
accrued expenses 应计费用6
achieving society, the 《有成就的社会》6
across-the-board tariff changes 全面改变关税6
account (1)帐户(2)结帐期6
accounting standards committe 会计标准委员会6
ACT 预付公司税7
action lag 行动时延7
action lag 行动时延7
active balance 活动余额7
activity analysis 活动分析7
activity rate 活动率7
adaptive expectations 适应性预期7
adding up problem 累加问题7
Additional worker Hypothesis 追加工人假说7
active balance 活动余额7
ACT 预付公司税7
Addition Rule 加法规则7
activity analysis 活动分析7
activity rate 活动率7
adaptive expectations 适应性预期7
adding up problem 累加问题7
Additional worker Hypothesis 追加工人假说7
Addition Rule 加法规则7
additive utility function 加性效用函数8
additive utility function 加性效用函数8
adjustment process 调整过程9
ADF 非洲发展基金9
adjustable peg system 可调钉住(汇率)制9
adjusted R■ 调整的R■9
adjustment lags 调整时延9
adjustment process 调整过程9
administered prices 操纵价格9
administered prices 操纵价格9
administrative leg 行政时延9
ad valorem tax 从价税9
administrative leg 行政时延9
ad valorem tax 从价税9
address principle 地址原则9
ADF 非洲发展基金9
adjustable peg system 可调钉住(汇率)制9
address principle 地址原则9
adjusted R■ 调整的R■9
adjustment lags 调整时延9
cost minimization 成本最小化10
advance 预付(垫款)10
Advance Corporation Tax(ACT) 预付公司税10
advance 预付(垫款)10
Advance Corporation Tax(ACT) 预付公司税10
advance refunding 提前转期10
advance refunding 提前转期10
advanced countries 发达国家10
advanced countries 发达国家10
cost minimization 成本最小化10
AFL—CIO 劳联-产联11
African Development Bank 非洲开发银行11
African Development Fund 非洲发展基金11
adverse balance 逆差11
advertising 广告宣传11
advertising-sales ratio 广告-销售比率11
AfDB 非洲开发银行11
Afticanization 非洲化11
AFL—CIO 劳联-产联11
African Development Bank 非洲开发银行11
adverse balance 逆差11
African Development Fund 非洲发展基金11
Afticanization 非洲化11
advertising 广告宣传11
advertising-sales ratio 广告-销售比率11
AfDB 非洲开发银行11
aggregate demand curve 总需求曲线12
aggregate demand curve 总需求曲线12
age-earnings profile 年龄-收入图12
Agency for International Of Deve-lopment 国际开发机构12
age-earnings profile 年龄-收入图12
Agency shop 工会代理制企业12
agglomeration economies 聚集经济12
Agency for International Of Deve-lopment 国际开发机构12
Agency shop 工会代理制企业12
agglomeration economies 聚集经济12
aggreate concentration 总体集中12
aggreate concentration 总体集中12
aggregate demand 总需求12
aggregate demand 总需求12
aggregate expenditure 总支出13
aggregate expenditure 总支出13
aggregate income 总收入13
aggregate output 总产出13
aggregate production function 总生产函数13
aggregate income 总收入13
aggregate output 总产出13
aggregate production function 总生产函数13
aggregate supply curve 总供给曲线14
aggregation problem 总合问题14
agrarian revolution 农业革命14
aggregate supply curve 总供给曲线14
aggregation problem 总合问题14
agrarian revolution 农业革命14
agricultural exports 出口农产品15
agricultural lag 农业滞后15
agricultural levies 农业税15
agricultural credit corporation 农业信贷公司15
agricultural mortgage corporation农业抵押公司15
agricultural reform 农业改革15
agricultural earnings 农业收入15
agricultural exports 出口农产品15
agricultural lag 农业滞后15
agricultural levies 农业税15
agricultural mortgage corporation农业抵押公司15
agricultural reform 农业改革15
agricultural credit corporation 农业信贷公司15
agricultural earnings 农业收入15
Aitken estimator 艾特肯估计式16
agricultural wages board 农业工资局16
aid 援助16
Aitken estimator 艾特肯估计式16
agricultural wages board 农业工资局16
agricultural sector 农业部门16
Agricultural stabilization and Conser-vation Service(ASCS)农业稳定与保护服务机构16
agricultural subsidies 农业补贴16
aid 援助16
agricultural sector 农业部门16
Agricultural stabilization and Conser-vation Service(ASCS)农业稳定与保护服务机构16
agricultural subsidies 农业补贴16
alienation 异化17
allen,sir Roy George Douglas 艾伦,罗伊·乔治·道格拉斯爵士17
allocation function 配置功能17
allocative efficiency 配置效率17
allowances and expenses for corpo-ration tax 公司税的折让及支出17
alienation 异化17
allen,sir Roy George Douglas 艾伦,罗伊·乔治·道格拉斯爵士17
allocation function 配置功能17
allocative efficiency 配置效率17
allowances and expenses for corpo-ration tax 公司税的折让及支出17
allowances and expenses for income tax 所得税的折让及支出18
Almon lag 阿尔蒙滞后18
alpha coefficient 阿尔法系数18
alternative technology 备择技术18
altruism 利他主义18
amalgamation 联合18
American Depository Receipt(ADR) 美国受托人收据18
allowances and expenses for income tax 所得税的折让及支出18
Almon lag 阿尔蒙滞后18
alpha coefficient 阿尔法系数18
alternative technology 备择技术18
altruism 利他主义18
amalgamation 联合18
American Depository Receipt(ADR) 美国受托人收据18
American Selling Price 美国销售价格19
American Stock Exchange(ASE or AMEX)美国证券交易所19
American Federation of Labour(AFL) 美国劳工联合会19
American Selling Price 美国销售价格19
American Stock Exchange(ASE or AMEX)美国证券交易所19
American Federation of Labour(AFL) 美国劳工联合会19
AMF 阿拉伯货币基金会20
amplitude 振幅20
Amtorg 苏联对外贸易公司20
analysis of variance 方差分析20
anarchy 无政府主义20
anchor argument 制动器论点20
Andean group 安第斯集团20
amortization 分期偿还20
amplitude 振幅20
Amtorg 苏联对外贸易公司20
analysis of variance 方差分析20
AMF 阿拉伯货币基金会20
amortization 分期偿还20
anarchy 无政府主义20
anchor argument 制动器论点20
Andean group 安第斯集团20
annuity 年金21
anomalies,pay 破例报酬21
anticipated inflation 预期通货膨胀21
animal spirits 血气冲动21
Annecy round 阿纳西回合21
annual allowances 年度折让21
antilogarithm 反对数21
annual capital charge 年度资本开支21
annuity 年金21
anomalies,pay 破例报酬21
animal spirits 血气冲动21
anticipated inflation 预期通货膨胀21
antilogarithm 反对数21
Annecy round 阿纳西回合21
annual allowances 年度折让21
annual capital charge 年度资本开支21
anti-trust 反托拉斯22
appreciation 增值22
apprenticeship 学徒22
appropriate products 适用产品22
appropriate tecnhology 适用技术22
appropriation account 盈余分拨帐户22
anti-trust 反托拉斯22
apprenticeship 学徒22
approval voting 赞成投票22
appropriate products 适用产品22
appropriate tecnhology 适用技术22
appropriation account 盈余分拨帐户22
appreciation 增值22
approval voting 赞成投票22
a priori 先验的23
Aquinas,St.Thomas 阿奎那,圣托马斯23
Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa 非洲经济发展阿拉伯银行23
Arab Common Market 阿拉伯共同市场23
a priori 先验的23
Aquinas,St.Thomas 阿奎那,圣托马斯23
Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa 非洲经济发展阿拉伯银行23
Arab Fund for Economic and Social DeveloPment 阿拉伯经济和社会发展基金会23
Arab Common Market 阿拉伯共同市场23
Arab Fund for Economic and Social DeveloPment 阿拉伯经济和社会发展基金会23
Arab Fund for Technical Assistance to Arab and African countries 技术援助阿拉伯和非洲国家阿拉伯基金会24
arbitage 套利24
arbitration 仲裁24
Arab Monetary Fund 阿拉伯货币基金会24
arbitage 套利24
arbitration 仲裁24
are elasticity of demand 需求的弧弹性24
ARIMA Fcrecsts 综合自回归移动平均数预测24
are elasticity of demand 需求的弧弹性24
ARIMA Fcrecsts 综合自回归移动平均数预测24
Atistetle 亚里士多德24
arithmetle mean 算术平均数24
Atistetle 亚里士多德24
arithmetle mean 算术平均数24
arithmetic progression 算术级数24
Arab Fund for Technical Assistance to Arab and African countries 技术援助阿拉伯和非洲国家阿拉伯基金会24
Arab Monetary Fund 阿拉伯货币基金会24
arithmetic progression 算术级数24
assesable income or profit 应税收入或应税利润25
assessable proits 应税利润25
asset 资产25
asset stripping 资产掠夺25
Arrow,Kenneth J. 阿罗.肯尼思25
AsDB 亚洲开发银行25
ASEAN 东南亚国家联盟25
assesable income or profit 应税收入或应税利润25
‘A’shares “A”类股票25
Arrow,Kenneth J. 阿罗.肯尼思25
Asian Development Bank 亚洲开发银行25
assessable proits 应税利润25
AsDB 亚洲开发银行25
ASEAN 东南亚国家联盟25
asset 资产25
asset stripping 资产掠夺25
‘A’shares “A”类股票25
Asian Development Bank 亚洲开发银行25
Association of South East Asian Nations(ASEAN)东南亚国家联盟26
assurance 定险保险26
assignment problem 指派问题26
Association of South East Asian Nations(ASEAN)东南亚国家联盟26
assurance 定险保险26
assisted areas 受援地区26
Association af African central Banks 非洲中央银行协会26
Association of International Bond Dealers 国际债券交易商协会26
assignment problem 指派问题26
assisted areas 受援地区26
Association af African central Banks 非洲中央银行协会26
Association of International Bond Dealers 国际债券交易商协会26
asymptote 渐近值27
asymptotic distribution 渐近分布27
atomistie competition 原子式竞争27
attribute 属性27
attrition 消耗27
auctioneer(general) 拍卖人27
auction markets 拍卖市场27
augmented phillips curve 增广的菲利普斯曲线27
attrition 消耗27
auctioneer(general) 拍卖人27
asymptote 渐近值27
auction markets 拍卖市场27
augmented phillips curve 增广的菲利普斯曲线27
asymptotic distribution 渐近分布27
atomistie competition 原子式竞争27
attribute 属性27
automation 自动化28
austrian school 奥地利学派(奥国学派)28
austrian school 奥地利学派(奥国学派)28
autarky 自给自足28
autocorrelation 自相关28
automatic stabilizers 自动稳定器28
automation 自动化28
autarky 自给自足28
autocorrelation 自相关28
automatic stabilizers 自动稳定器28
availability effects 可得性效应29
average 平均数29
average cost 平均成本29
autonomous expenditures 自发支出29
autonomous investment 自发投资29
autonomous transactions 自发性交易29
autonomous variables 自主变量29
autoregression 自回归29
availability effects 可得性效应29
autonomous expenditures 自发支出29
autonomous investment 自发投资29
average 平均数29
average cost 平均成本29
autonomous transactions 自发性交易29
autonomous variables 自主变量29
autoregression 自回归29
average rate of tax 平均税率30
average cost pricing 平均成本定价法30
average expected income 平均预期30
average cost pricing 平均成本定价法30
average fixed costs 平均固定成本30
average product 平均产量30
average productivity 平均生产率30
average propensity to consume 平均消费倾向30
average propensity to save 平均储蓄倾向30
average rate of tax 平均税率30
average expected income 平均预期30
average fixed costs 平均固定成本30
average product 平均产量30
average productivity 平均生产率30
average propensity to consume 平均消费倾向30
average propensity to save 平均储蓄倾向30
average revenue 平均收益31
average revenue product 平均收益产品31
average total cost 平均总成本31
average revenue product 平均收益产品31
average total cost 平均总成本31
average variable costs 平均可变成本31
Averch-Johnson Effect 艾弗奇-约翰逊效应31
axiom of completeness 完备性公理31
axiom of continuity 连续性公理31
axiom of convexity 凸性公理31
axiom of dominance 优势公理31
average variable costs 平均可变成本31
Averch-Johnson Effect 艾弗奇-约翰逊效应31
axiom of completeness 完备性公理31
axiom of prcference 偏好公理31
axiom of continuity 连续性公理31
axiom of convexity 凸性公理31
axiom of dominance 优势公理31
axiom of prcference 偏好公理31
average revenue 平均收益31
axiom of selection 择取公理32
axiom of selection 择取公理32
backdoor finacing 后门筹资33
back--haul rates 回程运费33
of labour 后向弯曲的劳动供给曲线33
backwash effects 倒流效应33
backward integration 后向联合33
backward linkage 后向连锁33
backwash effects 倒流效应33
backdoor finacing 后门筹资33
back--haul rates 回程运费33
of labour 后向弯曲的劳动供给曲线33
backward integration 后向联合33
backward linkage 后向连锁33
balance of payments 国际收支34
bad 劣品34
'bad money drives out good' “劣币驱逐良币”34
Bagehot, Walter 巴奇霍特,沃尔特34
Balanced budget 平衡预算34
balanced-budget muItiplier 平衡预算乘数34
balanced economic deve1opment平衡的经济发展34
balanced growth 平衡增长34
balance of payments 国际收支34
bad 劣品34
'bad money drives out good' “劣币驱逐良币”34
Bagehot, Walter 巴奇霍特,沃尔特34
Balanced budget 平衡预算34
balanced-budget muItiplier 平衡预算乘数34
balanced economic deve1opment平衡的经济发展34
balanced growth 平衡增长34
balance of trade 贸易差额36
balance of trade 贸易差额36
Balance Principle, the 平衡原则36
Balance Principle, the 平衡原则36
balance sheet 资产负债表36
balance sheet 资产负债表36
bancor 班柯37
bank 银行37
bandwagon effect 赶潮效应37
bank 银行37
bancor 班柯37
bandwagon effect 赶潮效应37
bank edvance 银行预付38
bank bill 银行票据38
bank edvance 银行预付38
bank bill 银行票据38
Bank Charter Act 《银行特许法》39
bank credit 银行信贷39
bank deposits 银行存款39
Bank Charter Act 《银行特许法》39
bank credit 银行信贷39
bank deposits 银行存款39
Bank for International Settlements国际清算银行40
banking panic 银行恐慌40
Banking School 银行学派40
Bank for International Settlements国际清算银行40
banking panic 银行恐慌40
Banking School 银行学派40
Banknote 钞票41
Bank of England 英格兰银行41
bank loan 银行贷款41
Banknote 钞票41
Bank of England 英格兰银行41
bank loan 银行贷款41
Bank Of the United States 美国银行42
Bank Of the United States 美国银行42
Bank Rate (英格兰)银行贴现率43
bankruptcy 破产43
Baran,Paul 巴兰,保罗43
Baran,Paul 巴兰,保罗43
Bank Rate (英格兰)银行贴现率43
bankruptcy 破产43
bargaining tariff 协议关税44
bargaining theory of wages 工资谈判理论44
bargaining tariff 协议关税44
bargaining theory of wages 工资谈判理论44
bargaining unit 谈判单位45
Barlow Report 巴洛报告45
bargaining unit 谈判单位45
Barlow Report 巴洛报告45
barometric price leadership 晴雨表式价格领先46
barriers to entry 进入(行业的)壁垒46
barter 物物交换46
barometric price leadership 晴雨表式价格领先46
barriers to entry 进入(行业的)壁垒46
barter 物物交换46
barter agreements 易货协定46
barter agreements 易货协定46
barter economy 物物交换经济46
base period 基期46
barter economy 物物交换经济46
base period 基期46
base rate 基础利率46
basic activities 基本活动46
basic exports 基本出口品46
base rate 基础利率46
basic activities 基本活动46
basic exports 基本出口品46
basic needs philosophy 基本需要哲学47
basic wage rates 基本工资率47
basing-point system 基点制47
Bayesian techniques 贝叶斯方法47
basing-point system 基点制47
Bayesian techniques 贝叶斯方法47
basic idustries 基础工业47
basic needs philosophy 基本需要哲学47
basic wage rates 基本工资率47
basic idustries 基础工业47
bearer bonds 不记名债券48
bears 空头48
beggar-my-neighbour policies 以邻为壑政策48
behavioural equation 行为方程48
behavioural expectations 行为预期48
behavioural theories of the firm 企业(厂商)的行为理论48
bearer bonds 不记名债券48
bears 空头48
beggar-my-neighbour policies 以邻为壑政策48
behavioural equation 行为方程48
behavioural expectations 行为预期48
behavioural theories of the firm 企业(厂商)的行为理论48
below the line 线下预算49
benefit-cost analysis 收益-成本分析49
below the line 线下预算49
benefit-cost ratio 收益-成本比率49
benefit principle 受益原则49
benefit-cost analysis 收益-成本分析49
Benelux Economic Union 比荷卢经济联盟49
benefit-cost ratio 收益-成本比率49
benefit principle 受益原则49
Benelux Economic Union 比荷卢经济联盟49
Bergsonian Social Welfare Function 柏格森的社会福利函数50
Bernoulli Hypothesis 伯努利假设50
Bentham,Jeremy 边沁,杰里米50
Bentham,Jeremy 边沁,杰里米50
Bergsonian Social Welfare Function 柏格森的社会福利函数50
Bernoulli Hypothesis 伯努利假设50
Bertrand's duopoly model 伯特兰德双头垄断模型51
Best Linear Unbiased Estimator(BLUE)最佳线性无偏估计式51
betting and gaming duties 打赌和赌博税51
Beveridge Report 贝弗里奇报告51
Bertrand's duopoly model 伯特兰德双头垄断模型51
Best Linear Unbiased Estimator(BLUE)最佳线性无偏估计式51
betting and gaming duties 打赌和赌博税51
Beveridge Report 贝弗里奇报告51
‘Bis Bang’“大冲击”52
‘Bis Bang’“大冲击”52
bias 偏倚52
bid 出价52
bid-rent function 地租出价函数52
bifurcation hypothesis 分叉假说52
bias 偏倚52
bid 出价52
bid-rent function 地租出价函数52
bifurcation hypothesis 分叉假说52
‘Big Push’“大推动”53
bilateral assistance 双边援助53
‘Big Push’“大推动”53
bilateral assistance 双边援助53
bilateral monopoly 双边垄断53
bilateral trade 双边贸易53
bill 票据53
bilateral monopoly 双边垄断53
bilateral trade 双边贸易53
bill 票据53
bill broker 票据经纪人54
bill of exchange 汇票54
bills only 仅限于票据54
binary variable 双值变量54
biological interest rate 生物利息率54
bill broker 票据经纪人54
bill of exchange 汇票54
bills only 仅限于票据54
binary variable 双值变量54
biological interest rate 生物利息率54
blue chip 热门股票55
birth rate 出生率55
BIS 国际清算银行55
bivariate analysis 二元分析55
blue-collar workers 蓝领工人55
black market 黑市55
bliss point 满足点55
block grant 一揽子拨款55
blue book 蓝皮书55
blue chip 热门股票55
blue-collar workers 蓝领工人55
birth rate 出生率55
BIS 国际清算银行55
bivariate analysis 二元分析55
black market 黑市55
bliss point 满足点55
block grant 一揽子拨款55
blue book 蓝皮书55
Bohm-Bawerk.Eugen Von 庞巴维克,欧根·冯56
Bohm-Bawerk.Eugen Von 庞巴维克,欧根·冯56
bond 债券56
bond 债券56
bond market 债券市场57
bonus issue 红利股57
bond market 债券市场57
book value 帐面价值57
bonus issue 红利股57
boom 繁荣57
Borda Count 博尔达计数57
book value 帐面价值57
boom 繁荣57
Borda Count 博尔达计数57
bounded rationality 有限理性58
bourgeoisie 资产阶段58
Box-Jenkins 博克斯-詹金斯方法58
brain drain 人才外流58
branh banking 银行的分支行制度58
Boulwarism 博尔韦尔主义58
bounded rationality 有限理性58
bourgeoisie 资产阶段58
Box-Jenkins 博克斯-詹金斯方法58
brain drain 人才外流58
branh banking 银行的分支行制度58
Boulwarism 博尔韦尔主义58
Bretton Woods 布雷顿森林59
Bretton Woods System 布雷顿森林体系59
Bretton Woods 布雷顿森林59
Bretton Woods System 布雷顿森林体系59
Wager's law 瓦格纳定律59
brand loyalty 商标迷信59
break even analysis 收支相抵分析59
‘break-even’ level of income “收支相抵”收入水平59
brand loyalty 商标迷信59
break even analysis 收支相抵分析59
‘break-even’ level of income “收支相抵”收入水平59
British Technology Group 英国技术集团60
broker 经纪人60
Brussels Tariff Nomenclature 布鲁塞尔关税分类60
brokerage 经纪人佣金60
British Technology Group 英国技术集团60
broker 经纪人60
brokerage 经纪人佣金60
Brookings model 布罗金斯模型60
Brussels Treaty of 布鲁塞尔条约60
Brussels Conference 布鲁塞尔会议60
Brookings model 布罗金斯模型60
Brussels Treaty of 布鲁塞尔条约60
Brussels Conference 布鲁塞尔会议60
Brussels Tariff Nomenclature 布鲁塞尔关税分类60
budget 预算61
budget deficit 预算赤字61
budget line 预算线61
budget 预算61
budget deficit 预算赤字61
budget line 预算线61
budget surplus 预算盈余62
budgtary control 预算控制62
buffer stocks 缓冲存货62
building society 房屋互助协会62
bulls 多头62
budget surplus 预算盈余62
budgtary control 预算控制62
buffer stocks 缓冲存货62
building society 房屋互助协会62
bulls 多头62
built-in stabilizers 内在稳定器63
bullion 金银块63
bureaucracy,economic theory of 官僚经济理论63
built-in stabilizers 内在稳定器63
bullion 金银块63
bureaucracy,economic theory of 官僚经济理论63
bureaux 官僚机构64
business performance 经营实绩64
business risk 经营风险64
buyer concentration 买方集中64
buyers market 买方市场64
business cycle 商业周期64
business performance 经营实绩64
business risk 经营风险64
buyer concentration 买方集中64
buyers market 买方市场64
bureaux 官僚机构64
business cycle 商业周期64
cambridge equation 剑桥方程65
call money 活期借款(拆款)65
call option 购买期权65
calculus 微积分65
Cambridge K 剑桥K65
Cambridge School of Economics 剑桥学派经济学65
call money 活期借款(拆款)65
cambridge equation 剑桥方程65
Cambridge K 剑桥K65
Cambridge School of Economics 剑桥学派经济学65
call option 购买期权65
calculus 微积分65
capital account 资本项目66
capital accumulation 资本积累66
capital allowances 资本折让66
capital aset 资本资产66
Cambridge Theory of Money 剑桥货币理论66
CAP 共同农业政策66
capacity model 生产能力模型66
capacity utilization 能力利用度66
capital 资本66
capital account 资本项目66
capital accumulation 资本积累66
Cambridge Theory of Money 剑桥货币理论66
CAP 共同农业政策66
capital allowances 资本折让66
capital aset 资本资产66
capacity model 生产能力模型66
capacity utilization 能力利用度66
capital 资本66
capital asset pricing model 资本资产定价模型67
capital budgeting 资本预算67
capital charges 资本开支(费用)67
capital asset pricing model 资本资产定价模型67
capital budgeting 资本预算67
capital charges 资本开支(费用)67
capital consumption allowance 资本消耗折让68
capital coefficients 资本系数68
capital consumption allowance 资本消耗折让68
capital controversy 资本论战68
capital deepening 资本深化68
capital controversy 资本论战68
capital deepening 资本深化68
capital equipment 资本设备68
capital expenditure 资本支出68
capital equipment 资本设备68
capital expenditure 资本支出68
capital formation 资本形成68
capital coefficients 资本系数68
capital gain 资本收益(增值)68
capital formation 资本形成68
capital gain 资本收益(增值)68
capital gearing 资本搭配69
capital intensity 资本密集(集约)度69
capital goods 资本货物69
capital intensity 资本密集(集约)度69
capital gains tax 资本收益(增值)税69
capital gearing 资本搭配69
capital gains tax 资本收益(增值)税69
capital goods 资本货物69
capitalization issue 资本化发行70
capitalization rates 资本化率70
capital intensive 资本密集(集约)70
capital-intensive economy 资本密集型经济70
capital-intensive sector 资本密集型部门70
capital-intensive techniques 资本密集型技术70
capital, marginal efficiency 资本边际效率70
capital intensive 资本密集(集约)70
capital-intensive economy 资本密集型经济70
capital-intensive sector 资本密集型部门70
capital-intensive techniques 资本密集型技术70
capital, marginal efficiency 资本边际效率70
capitalism 资本主义70
capitalism 资本主义70
capitalization 资本化资本总额70
capitalization 资本化资本总额70
capitalization issue 资本化发行70
capitalization rates 资本化率70
capital market 资本市场71
capital movements 资本运动71
capital-output ratio 资本-产出比率71
capital rationing 资本限额配给71
capitalized value 资本化价值71
capital-labour ratio 资本-劳动比率71
capital-labour substitution 资本-劳动替代71
capital loss 资本亏损71
capital market 资本市场71
capital movements 资本运动71
capital-output ratio 资本-产出比率71
capital rationing 资本限额配给71
capitalized value 资本化价值71
capital-labour ratio 资本-劳动比率71
capital-labour substitution 资本-劳动替代71
capital loss 资本亏损71
capital requirements 必备资本72
capital-reversing 资本回转72
capital services 资本服务72
capital stock 资本存量72
capital stock adjustmdnt principle 资本存量调整原理72
capital structure 资本结构72
capital requirements 必备资本72
capital-reversing 资本回转72
capital services 资本服务72
capital stock 资本存量72
capital stock adjustmdnt principle 资本存量调整原理72
capital structure 资本结构72
capital tax 资本税73
capital theory 资本理论73
capital transfer tax 资本转移税73
capital turnover criterion 资金周转准则73
capital tax 资本税73
capital theory 资本理论73
capital transfer tax 资本转移税73
capital turnover criterion 资金周转准则73
capital widening 资本广化74
capital widening 资本广化74
capitation tax 人头税74
capture theory 挟制理论74
cardinalism 基数主义74
cardinal utility 基数效用74
capitation tax 人头税74
capture theory 挟制理论74
cardinalism 基数主义74
cardinal utility 基数效用74
cartel sanctions 卡特尔制裁75
cash 现金75
cash balance approach 现金余额分析法75
cash crops 现金作物(经济作物)75
cash flow 现金流量75
cartel sanctions 卡特尔制裁75
Caribbean Development Bank 加勒比发展银行75
cash 现金75
cash balance approach 现金余额分析法75
cash crops 现金作物(经济作物)75
cash flow 现金流量75
cash limit 现金限额75
cash limit 现金限额75
Caribbean Community and Common Market 加勒比共同体和共同市场75
cartel 卡特尔75
Caribbean Community and Common Market 加勒比共同体和共同市场75
Caribbean Development Bank 加勒比发展银行75
cartel 卡特尔75
cash ratio 现金比率76
casual employment 临时就业76
cash ratio 现金比率76
casual employment 临时就业76
categorical grant 分类拨款76
CBI 英国工业联合会76
categorical grant 分类拨款76
CBI 英国工业联合会76
ceiling 最高限额76
Celler-Kefauver Act 《塞勒-凯弗维尔法》76
ceiling 最高限额76
Celler-Kefauver Act 《塞勒-凯弗维尔法》76
central bank 中央银行77
central bank 中央银行77
Central American Bank for Economic Integration 中美洲经济一体化银行77
Central American Bank for Economic Integration 中美洲经济一体化银行77
Central American Common Market 中美洲共同市场77
Central American Common Market 中美洲共同市场77
Central Bank of Central Banks 中央银行的中央银行78
Central Bans Of West African States 西非国家中央银行78
central business district 中心商业区78
Central Bank of Central Banks 中央银行的中央银行78
centralization of reserves 储备集中化78
Central Limit Theorem 中心极限定理78
Central Bans Of West African States 西非国家中央银行78
central business district 中心商业区78
Central Place Theory 中心位置理论78
Central Planning 集中性计划78
Central Policy Review Staff 中央政策评论参谋部78
centralization of reserves 储备集中化78
Central Limit Theorem 中心极限定理78
Central Place Theory 中心位置理论78
Central Planning 集中性计划78
Central Policy Review Staff 中央政策评论参谋部78
chain rule 链式法则79
Chamberlin,Edward 张伯伦,爱德华79
Central Statistical Office 中央统计局79
Central Statistical Office 中央统计局79
certainty equivalence 确定性等价79
certainty equivalence 确定性等价79
certificate of deposit 存单79
CES production function CES生产函数79
ceteris paribus 假定其他情况不变79
chain rule 链式法则79
Chamberlin,Edward 张伯伦,爱德华79
certificate of deposit 存单79
CES production function CES生产函数79
ceteris paribus 假定其他情况不变79
characteristics theory 特色理论80
characteristics theory 特色理论80
charge account 赊购帐(零售)80
charged in full 全部费用80
charge account 赊购帐(零售)80
charged in full 全部费用80
cheap money 廉价货币(低息贷款)80
check-off 预扣80
cheque 支票80
cheap money 廉价货币(低息贷款)80
check-off 预扣80
cheque 支票80
cheque card 支票卡81
Chicago school 芝加哥学派81
child allowance 儿童折让81
chi-square distribution 卡埃方分布81
CIF 到岸价格81
CIO 产业工会联合会(产联)81
cheque card 支票卡81
Chicago school 芝加哥学派81
circular flow of income 收入循环流量81
child allowance 儿童折让81
chi-square distribution 卡埃方分布81
choice of technology 技术的选择81
choice variable 选择变量81
CIF 到岸价格81
CIO 产业工会联合会(产联)81
circular flow of income 收入循环流量81
choice of technology 技术的选择81
choice variable 选择变量81
classical economics 古典经济学82
Clark,John Bates 克拉克,约翰·贝茨82
classical dichotomy 古典的二分法82
classical economics 古典经济学82
circulating capital 周转(流动)资本82
circulating capital 周转(流动)资本82
Clark,John Bates 克拉克,约翰·贝茨82
classical dichotomy 古典的二分法82
classical school 古典学派83
‘classical’of company taxation“古典”公司税体系83
classical techniques 古典方法83
clay-clay 陶土-陶土83
clayton Act 克莱顿法83
clay-clay 陶土-陶土83
clayton Act 克莱顿法83
classical school 古典学派83
‘classical’of company taxation“古典”公司税体系83
classical techniques 古典方法83
clean float 完全浮动84
clean float 完全浮动84
clearing banks 清算银行(交换银行)84
clearing banks 清算银行(交换银行)84
clearing house 票据交换所84
clearing house 票据交换所84
closed economy 封闭经济85
closed shop 排外性雇佣制企业85
cliometrie 历史计量学85
closed economy 封闭经济85
closed shop 排外性雇佣制企业85
cliometrie 历史计量学85
closing-pries 收盘价格85
closing-pries 收盘价格85
Cobb-Douglas production function 科布-道格拉斯生产函数86
Club goods 俱乐部货物86
clubs,theory of 俱乐部理论86
Club goods 俱乐部货物86
coase■s theorem 科斯定理86
clubs,theory of 俱乐部理论86
Cobb-Douglas production function 科布-道格拉斯生产函数86
coase■s theorem 科斯定理86
Cochrane-Orcutt 柯克兰-奥克特法87
coefficiet of determination 可决系数87
Cobweb Theorem 蛛网定理87
Cobweb Theorem 蛛网定理87
Cochrane-Orcutt 柯克兰-奥克特法87
coefficiet of determination 可决系数87
coinage debasement 铸币减(低成)色88
coincident indicator 重合指标88
cofactor 余子式88
coinage 铸币88
coinage debasement 铸币减(低成)色88
coefficiet of variation 变差系数88
coincident indicator 重合指标88
coerelve comparisons 强行比较88
cofactor 余子式88
coinage 铸币88
coefficiet of variation 变差系数88
coerelve comparisons 强行比较88
collusion 共谋89
collective bargaining 集体谈判89
collusive oligopoly 共谋性寡头89
collective choice 集体选择89
collusive price leadership 共谋式价格领先89
collective bargaining 集体谈判89
collective choice 集体选择89
collusion 共谋89
collusive oligopoly 共谋性寡头89
Columbo Plan for Co-operative Eec-nomic Development in South and South-East asia 南亚和东南亚经济合作发展科伦坡计划89
collusive price leadership 共谋式价格领先89
collective goods 集体货物89
collinearity 共线性89
COLA 生活费用调整89
collateral security 附属担保品89
collective goods 集体货物89
Columbo Plan for Co-operative Eec-nomic Development in South and South-East asia 南亚和东南亚经济合作发展科伦坡计划89
collinearity 共线性89
COLA 生活费用调整89
collateral security 附属担保品89
commercial banks 商业银行90
commercial bill 商业汇票90
commercial paper 商业票据90
Comecon 经互会90
commercial policy 商业政策90
command economy 命令经济(中央控制经济)90
commercial banks 商业银行90
commodities 商品90
commercial bill 商业汇票90
commercial paper 商业票据90
commodity credit corporation 商品信贷公司90
commercial policy 商业政策90
Comecon 经互会90
commodities 商品90
commodity credit corporation 商品信贷公司90
command economy 命令经济(中央控制经济)90
Commodity money 商品货币91
commodity space 商品空间91
commodity terms of trade 商品贸易条件91
Common Agricultural Policy 共同农业政策91
Common Customs Tariff 共同关税税则91
Commodity money 商品货币91
commodity space 商品空间91
commodity terms of trade 商品贸易条件91
Common Agricultural Policy 共同农业政策91
Common Customs Tariff 共同关税税则91
common stock 普通股92
common facility co-operative 共同设备合作社92
Commonwealth Development Cor-poration 英联邦开发公司92
common market 共同市场92
common stock 普通股92
Commonwealth Development Cor-poration 英联邦开发公司92
Commonwealth Fund for Technical Co-operation 英联邦技术合作基金92
Commonwealth Fund for Technical Co-operation 英联邦技术合作基金92
Common External Tariff 共同对外关税92
common facility co-operative 共同设备合作社92
common market 共同市场92
Common External Tariff 共同对外关税92
community indifference curves 社会无差异曲线93
company 公司93
communism 共产主义93
community indifference curves 社会无差异曲线93
company 公司93
communism 共产主义93
company bargaining 公司谈判94
Company director 公司董事94
company savings 公司储蓄94
company savings 公司储蓄94
comparability argument 相互比较论94
comparative advantage 比较优势94
comparability 互(可)比性94
comparability argument 相互比较论94
comparative advantage 比较优势94
comparability 互(可)比性94
company bargaining 公司谈判94
Company director 公司董事94
comparative statics 比较静态学95
compensated demand curves 补偿性需求曲线95
compensating variation 补偿变动95
comparative costs 比较成本95
comparative dynamics 比较动态学95
comparative statics 比较静态学95
compensated demand curves 补偿性需求曲线95
compensating variation 补偿变动95
compensating principle 补偿原则95
compensation tests 补偿检验95
Competition Act 1980 《竞争法,1980年》95
comparative costs 比较成本95
comparative dynamics 比较动态学95
compensating principle 补偿原则95
compensation tests 补偿检验95
Competition Act 1980 《竞争法,1980年》95
Competition and Credit Control 《竞争与信贷控制》96
competitive markets 竞争市场96
complements 互补物品96
Competition and Credit Control 《竞争与信贷控制》96
competitive markets 竞争市场96
complements 互补物品96
complex number 复数97
composite commodity theorem 复合商品定理97
compound interest 复利97
concave function(concavity) 凹函数(凹性)97
concentration 集中97
concentration,coefficient of 集中系数97
complex number 复数97
composite commodity theorem 复合商品定理97
compound interest 复利97
concave function(concavity) 凹函数(凹性)97
concentration 集中97
concentration,coefficient of 集中系数97
concerted action 一致行动98
concertina method of tariff reduc-tion 关税协调削减法98
conciliation 调解98
Condorcet Criterion 孔多塞准则98
concerted action 一致行动98
concertina method of tariff reduc-tion 关税协调削减法98
concentration ratio 集中比率98
conciliation 调解98
Condorcet Criterion 孔多塞准则98
concentration ratio 集中比率98
confidence problem 信任问题99
Confederation of British industry(CBI) 英国工业联合会99
confidence interval 置信区间99
confidence problem 信任问题99
Confederation of British industry(CBI) 英国工业联合会99
confidence interval 置信区间99
conglomerates 联合大企业100
congestion costs 拥挤成本100
conglomerates 联合大企业100
conjectural behaviour 推测行为100
conjectural behaviour 推测行为100
conjectural variation 推测变动100
congestion costs 拥挤成本100
consistency 一致性100
consolidated fund 统一基金100
conjectural variation 推测变动100
consols 统一公债100
consistency 一致性100
consolidated fund 统一基金100
consols 统一公债100
consortium bank 联合银行101
conspicuous consumption 炫耀性消费101
constant amplitude 不变振幅101
constant capital 不变资本101
Constant Elasticity of Substitution Production Function 不变替代弹性生产函数101
Constant market share demand curve 不变市场份额需求曲线101
consortium bank 联合银行101
conspicuous consumption 炫耀性消费101
constant amplitude 不变振幅101
constant capital 不变资本101
Constant Elasticity of Substitution Production Function 不变替代弹性生产函数101
Constant market share demand curve 不变市场份额需求曲线101
constraint 约束102
consumer 消费者102
consumer credit 消费信贷102
consumer credit 消费信贷102
consumer demand theory 消费者需求理论102
consumer durable 耐用消费品102
consumer demand theory 消费者需求理论102
consumer durable 耐用消费品102
consumer equilibrium 消费者均衡102
consumer equilibrium 消费者均衡102
constant returns to scale 规模收益不变102
constrained optimization 约束最优化102
constraint 约束102
consumer 消费者102
constant returns to scale 规模收益不变102
constrained optimization 约束最优化102
consumer expenditure 消费者支出103
consumer goods and services 消费品和服务103
consumer price index 消费者价格指数103
consumer sovereignty 消费者主权103
consumer’s surplus 消费者剩余103
consumption 消费103
consumer expenditure 消费者支出103
consumer goods and services 消费品和服务103
consumer price index 消费者价格指数103
consumer sovereignty 消费者主权103
consumer’s surplus 消费者剩余103
consumption 消费103
consumption expenditure 消费支出104
consumption function 消费函数104
consumption tax 消费税104
contestable market 可竞争的市场104
contingency reserve 应急储备金104
consumption expenditure 消费支出104
consumption function 消费函数104
consumption tax 消费税104
contestable market 可竞争的市场104
contingency reserve 应急储备金104
convergent cycle 收敛周期105
convergent cycle 收敛周期105
conversion 转换105
convertibility 可兑换性105
convertible bond 可兑换债券105
convertible loan stock 可兑换贷款债券105
contingency table 列联表105
conversion 转换105
continuous variable 连续变量105
convertibility 可兑换性105
convertible security 可兑换证券105
convertible bond 可兑换债券105
contract curve 契约曲线105
contractionary phase 收缩阶段105
contingency table 列联表105
continuous variable 连续变量105
contract curve 契约曲线105
contractionary phase 收缩阶段105
convergence thesis 趋同论105
convergence thesis 趋同论105
convertible loan stock 可兑换贷款债券105
convertible security 可兑换证券105
convex functions(convexity) 凸函数(凸性)106
corporate state 公司国106
cooling off period 冷却时期106
core,the 核106
corner solution 隅解106
convex functions(convexity) 凸函数(凸性)106
cooling off period 冷却时期106
core,the 核106
corner solution 隅解106
corn laws 《谷物法》106
corporate capitalism 公司资本主义106
corporate conscience 公司意识106
corporate risk 公司风险106
corporate state 公司国106
corn laws 《谷物法》106
corporate capitalism 公司资本主义106
corporate conscience 公司意识106
corporate risk 公司风险106
corporation 公司107
corporation tax 公司税107
corporation 公司107
corporation tax 公司税107
correlation 相关108
correlogram 相关图108
correspocdent banks 代理银行108
correlogram 相关图108
correspocdent banks 代理银行108
correlation 相关108
‘cocrest’ “紧身衣”109
Cost 成本109
cost-benefit analysis 成本-收益分析109
‘cocrest’ “紧身衣”109
Cost 成本109
cost-benefit analysis 成本-收益分析109
cost-effectiveness analysis 成本-效果分析110
cost-inflation 成本-通货膨胀110
cost insurance freight 成本保险运费110
cost-effectiveness analysis 成本-效果分析110
cost-inflation 成本-通货膨胀110
cost insurance freight 成本保险运费110
cost of capital 资本成本111
cost of capital 资本成本111
Council of Economic Advisers(CEA) 经济顾问委员会112
Council for Mutual Economic Assis-tance(Comecon) 经济互助委员会(经互会)112
cost-plus pricing 成本加成定价112
cost-plus inflation 成本推动的通货膨胀112
Council of Economic Advisers(CEA) 经济顾问委员会112
Council for Mutual Economic Assis-tance(Comecon) 经济互助委员会(经互会)112
cost of living 生活费用112
cost of living 生活费用112
costs to protection 保护成本112
costs to protection 保护成本112
cost-plus pricing 成本加成定价112
cost-plus inflation 成本推动的通货膨胀112
countercyclical 反周期性113
countercyclical 反周期性113
countervailing power 抗衡力量113
coupon 息票113
countervailing power 抗衡力量113
coupon 息票113
coupon Payments 息票支付114
Cournot,Antoine A· 古诺,安托尼·A114
Cournot’s Duopoly Model 古诺双头垄断模型114
coupon Payments 息票支付114
Cournot,Antoine A· 古诺,安托尼·A114
Cournot’s Duopoly Model 古诺双头垄断模型114
craft unions 同业工会115
cramer’s rule 克莱姆法则115
coveriance 协方差115
convered interest parity 补偿利息平价115
CPRS 中央政策评论参谋部115
craft unions 同业工会115
cramer’s rule 克莱姆法则115
coveriance 协方差115
convered interest parity 补偿利息平价115
CPRS 中央政策评论参谋部115
crawling peg 蠕动钉住116
credentialism 文凭主义116
credit 信贷116
crawling peg 蠕动钉住116
ctedit account 信贷帐116
credit card 信用卡116
credentialism 文凭主义116
credit 信贷116
ctedit account 信贷帐116
credit card 信用卡116
credit guarantee 信贷担保117
credit multiplier 信用乘数117
credit multiplier 信用乘数117
credit ceiling 信贷上限117
credit ceiling 信贷上限117
credit control 信贷控制117
credit creation 信用创造117
credit guarantee 信贷担保117
credit control 信贷控制117
credit creation 信用创造117
creditor nation 债权国118
credit rationing 信贷配额118
credit restrictions 信贷限制118
creditor nation 债权国118
credit rationing 信贷配额118
credit restrictions 信贷限制118
creditors 债权人118
creditors 债权人118
credit squeeze 信贷冻结118
credit transfer 信贷转移118
credit squeeze 信贷冻结118
credit transfer 信贷转移118
creeping inflation 爬行的通货膨胀119
critical value 临界值119
cross elasticity of demand 需求的交叉弹性119
cross-entry 交叉进入119
cross partial derivative 交叉偏导数119
cross-section analysis 横断面分析119
creeping inflation 爬行的通货膨胀119
critical value 临界值119
cross elasticity of demand 需求的交叉弹性119
cross-entry 交叉进入119
cross partial derivative 交叉偏导数119
cross-section analysis 横断面分析119
cross-subsidization 交叉补贴120
crowding hypothesis 排挤假说120
cross-section consumption function 横断面消费函数120
cross-subsidization 交叉补贴120
crowding hypothesis 排挤假说120
crowding out 挤出120
CSO 中央统计局120
cubic 三次方程120
cultural change 文化更变120
crowding out 挤出120
cross-section consumption function 横断面消费函数120
CSO 中央统计局120
cubic 三次方程120
cultural change 文化更变120
currency appreciation 通货增值121
currency control 通货控制121
culture of poverty hypothesis 贫困文化假说121
cumulative causation model 累积因果模型121
cumuiatlve preference shares 累积优先股121
cumulative shares 累积股121
currency 通货121
currency appreciation 通货增值121
currency control 通货控制121
culture of poverty hypothesis 贫困文化假说121
cumulative causation model 累积因果模型121
cumuiatlve preference shares 累积优先股121
cumulative shares 累积股121
currency 通货121
currency school 通货学派122
currency substitution 通货替代122
currency depreciation 通货减值122
currency notes 流通券122
currency depreciation 通货减值122
currency notes 流通券122
currency principle 通货原则122
currency school 通货学派122
currency substitution 通货替代122
currency principle 通货原则122
current account 往来帐户123
current liabilities 流动负债123
customer markets 买主市场123
current profits 现期利润123
custom and practice 习俗与惯例123
customer markets 买主市场123
current account 往来帐户123
current assets 流动资产123
current assets 流动资产123
current cost accounting 现期成本会计123
current income 现期收入123
current cost accounting 现期成本会计123
current liabilities 流动负债123
current income 现期收入123
current profits 现期利润123
custom and practice 习俗与惯例123
Customs Co-operative Council 海关合作理事会124
Customs Co-operative Council 海关合作理事会124
customs,excise and protective duties 关税、消费税及保护关税124
customs,excise and protective duties 关税、消费税及保护关税124
customs union 关税同盟125
cyclical unemployment 周期性失业125
customs union 关税同盟125
cyclical unemployment 周期性失业125
cycling 循环125
cycling 循环125
data 数据126
dated securities 定期证券126
DCF 现金流量贴现126
deadweight debt 实在债务126
deadweight-loss 无谓损失126
dear money 高息资金126
debased coinge 减色(贬值)铸币126
debentures 公司债券126
dear money 高息资金126
damage cost 损害成本126
damped cycle 减幅周期126
data 数据126
dated securities 定期证券126
DCF 现金流量贴现126
deadweight debt 实在债务126
deadweight-loss 无谓损失126
debased coinge 减色(贬值)铸币126
debentures 公司债券126
damage cost 损害成本126
damped cycle 减幅周期126
Debreu,Gerard 迪布鲁,杰拉德127
debt 债务127
debt conversion 债务转换127
debt 债务127
debt finance 举债筹资127
Debreu,Gerard 迪布鲁,杰拉德127
debt conversion 债务转换127
debt management 债务管理127
debt finance 举债筹资127
debt management 债务管理127
debt ratio 债务比率128
deeile 十分位数128
decimal coinage 十进币制128
decision function 决策函数128
deeile 十分位数128
decimal coinage 十进币制128
decision lag 决策时延128
decision function 决策函数128
decision lag 决策时延128
debtor nation 债务国128
debtor nation 债务国128
debt ratio 债务比率128
decision rule 决策规则129
decision theory 决策理论129
decreasing cost industry 成本理减行业129
decreasing returns 收益递减129
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