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General Introduction3
General Introduction on Crystal Growth&By W.E.Garner7
Ⅰ.Theory of Crystal Growth11
Introductory Paper&By N.F.Mott11
Forms of Equilibrium of Crystals&By I.N.Stranski13
Surface Structures of Ionic Crystals&By K.Molière,W.Rathje and I.N.Stranski21
Crystal Growth and Surface Structure33
Part Ⅰ&By W.K.Burton and N.Cabrera33
Part Ⅱ&By N.Cabrera and W.K.Burton40
The Influence of Dislocations on Crystal Growth&By F.C.Frank48
Kinetics of the Formation of Nuclei and Statistical Theory of Condensation&By R.Becker55
General Principles of Crystal Growth&By Paul H.Egli and S.Zerfoss61
GENERAL DlSCUSSlON&Dr.F.C.Frank,Dr.S.P.F.Humphreys-Owen,Prof.I.N.Stranski,Dr.H.K.Hardy,Mr.W.K.Burton and Dr.N.Cabrera,Mr.R.S.Bradley,Dr.J.L.Amoròs,Dr.C.W.Bunn,Dr.U.R.Evans66
Ⅱ.Nucleation and Normal Growth79
Introductory Paper&By W.J.Dunning79
Kinetics of Crystallization in Solution—Part Ⅰ&By S.H.Bransom,W.J.Dunning and B.Millard83
Kinetics of Crystallization—Part Ⅱ&By S.H.Bransom and W.J.Dunning96
The Precipitation of Silver Chloride from Aqueous Solutions—Part Ⅰ&By C.W.Davies and A.L.Jones103
Nucleation and Growth in Sucrose Solutions&By Andrew Van Hook and Arthur J.Bruno112
The Relative Rates of Growth of Strained and Unstrained Ammonium Nitrate Crystals&By S.Fordham117
Crystal Growth from Solution119
Ⅰ.Layer Formation on Crystal Faces&By C.W.Bunn and H.Emmett119
Ⅱ.Concentration Gradients and the Rates of Growth of Crystals&By C.W.Bunn132
The Growth of Individual Faces of Cubic Sodium Chlorate Crystals from Aqueous Solution&By S.P.F.Humphreys-Owen144
The Linear Velocity of Polymorphic Transformations&By N.H.Hartshorne149
Boundary Migration and Grain Growth&By Walter C.McCrone158
Crystal Growth at High Temperatures&By S.Zerfoss,L.R.Johnson and P.H.Egli166
Some Aspects of the Growth of Quartz Crystals&By A.C.Swinnerton,G.E.Owen and J.F.Corwin172
The Role of Diffusion Potentials in the Growth of Ionic Crystals&By A.R.Ubbelohde180
GENERAL DISCUSSION&Dr.M.H.R.J.Plusjé,Dr.W.J.Dunning,Mr.W.K.Burton and Dr.N.Cabrera,Dr.R.F.Strickland-Constable,Dr.S.Fordham,Dr.F.C.Frank,Prof.W.E.Garner,Dr.K.G.Denbigh,Dr.W.A.Wooster,Dr.D.R.Hale,Prof.A.Juliard,Mr.A.E,Robinson,Mr.L.J.Griffin,Prof.I.N.Stranski,Dr.C.W.Bunn,Mr.Y.Haven,Mr.E.O.Hall,Dr.H.K.Hardy,Mr.H.E.E.Powers,Dr.A.F.Wells,Prof.A.R.Ubbelohde,Sir John Lennard-Jones183
Ⅲ.Abnormal and Modified Crystal Growth197
Introductory Paper&By A.F.Wells197
Misfitting Monolayers and Oriented Overgrowth&By J.H.van der Merwe201
Oriented Arrangements of Thin Aluminium Films Formed on Ionic Substrates&By T.N.Rhodin,Jr215
The Influence of Foreign Ions on Crystal Growth from Solution&By B.Raistrick234
Oriented Overgrowths and Stabilization at Ordinary Temperatures of the Cubic(Ⅰ),Tetragonal(Ⅱ)and Orthorhombic(Ⅲ)Phases of Ammonium Nitrate&By Raymond Hocart and Mlle.Agnès Mathieu-Sicaud237
Habit Modification in Crystals as a Result of the Introduction of Impurities During Growth&By H.E.Buckley243
The Effect of Dyes on the Crystal Habits of Some Oxy-Salts&By A.Butchart and J.Whetstone254
The Effect of Crystal Habit Modification on the Setting of Inorganic Oxy-Salts&By J.Whetstone261
Growth and Dissolution of Crystals Under Linear Pressure&By Carl W.Correns267
On the Disordering of Solids by Action of Fast Massive Particles&By Frederick Seitz271
GENERAL DISCUSSION&Dr.J.Willems,Mr.J.H.van der Merwe,Mr.P.Woodward,Mr.P.R.Rowland,Mr.H.E.E.Powers,Prof.A.Juliard,Dr.A.F.Wells,Dr.B.Raistrick,Dr.F.C.Frank,Dr.C.W.Bunn,Dr.S.Fordham,Dr.J.Whetstone,Prof.R.J.Hocart and Dr.J.C.Monier,Dr.F.M.Lea,Prof.C.W.Correns283
Ⅳ.Mineral Synthesis and Technical Aspects291
Introductory Paper&By Dr.F.A.Bannister291
The Production of Large Artificial Fluorite Crystals&By Donald C.Stockbarger294
Improved Crystallization of Lithium Fluoride of Optical Quality&By Donald C.Stockbarger299
The Growing of Crystals&By A.C.Menzies and J.Skinner306
Growing Single Crystals from Solution&By A.N.Holden312
The Growth of Large Crystals of Ammonium Dihydrogen Phosphate and Lithium Sulphate&By A.E.Robinson315
Controlled Growth Inhibition in Large-Scale Crystal Growth&By Hans Jaffe and Bengt R.F.Kjellgren319
Hydrothermal Synthesis of Minerals&By Jean Wyart323
The Synthesis of Crystals Produced in Gaseous Media by Detonation of Explosive Mixtures&By A.Michel-Lévy325
Factors Governing the Growth of Crystalline Silicates&By R.M.Barrer326
The Hydrothermal Crystallization of Vitreosil at Constant Temperature&By G.Van Praagh338
The Hydrothermal Synthesis of Quartz&By L.A.Thomas,Nora Wooster and W.A.Wooster341
Problems of Crystal Growth in Building Materials&By F.M.Lea and R.W.Nurse345
The Growth of Periclase Crystals and Its Importance in Basic Refractories&By E.B.Colegrave,H.M.Richardson and G.R.Rigby352
GENERAL DISCUSSION&Mr.Y.Haven,Dr.W.Ehrenberg and Mr.J.A.Franks,Mr.P.R.Rowland,Mr.T.A.Kletz,Mr.A.E.Robinson,Dr.E.W.Fell,Dr.B.Raistrick,Prof.R.M.Barrer,Prof.W.E.Garner,Dr.G.R.Rigby,Mr.R.W.Nurse,Dr.D.R.Hale358
Ⅴ.Concluding Remarks364
Author Index366
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