

  • 孙亚婕,刘东浩主编 著
  • 出版社: 天津:天津大学出版社
  • ISBN:7561816197
  • 出版时间:2002
  • 标注页数:374页
  • 文件大小:39MB
  • 文件页数:395页
  • 主题词:暂缺


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Part Ⅰ Traveling by Air 第一部分 空中旅行2

Unit 1 Practical Dialogue 实用对话2

1.Making aa Reservation 订机票2

2.Making a Reservation on the Phone 电话预定3

3.Asking about the Contents of an Announcement 询问机场通知内容4

4.Checking Luggage 检查行李5

5.At the Check in Counter 在检票柜台5

6.At the Airport 在机场6

7.On the Plane(Ⅰ) 在飞机上(1)7

8.On the Plane(Ⅱ) 在飞机上2)9

9.On the Plane(Ⅲ) 在飞机上(3)10

10.GoingthroughCustoms 通过海关11

11.Information Desk at an Airport 机场问讯处13

12.AttheTransit 中转候机13

13.In a Restaurant at an Airport 在机场餐厅14

14.In a Coffee Shop at an Airport 在机场咖啡厅15

Unit 2 Useful Expressions 常用表达16

1.Asking for Informatiojn about Air Travel 询问乘飞机的有关情况16

2.Giving Information about Air Travel 提供乘飞机的有关情况19

3.Booking an Airline Ticket 订飞机票21

4.Serving the Passenger at the Booking Office 为旅客订机票23

5.Giving Check-in Service 登机服务24

6.Going through Check-in Formalities 办理登机手续27

7.Serving the Passenger on Plane 飞机上为旅客服务28

8.Talking on a Plane 机上谈话30

9.Making the Customs Examinations 进行海关检查31

Unit3 Tips for Readers 背景与指南35

PartⅡ Finding Hotel and Housing 第二部分 找旅馆和住房39

Unit1 Practical Dialogue 实用对话39

1.Reserving a Room 订房间39

2.At the Information Desk 在旅馆服务台40

3.Asking about Services 询问服务内容41

5.Registering 办理住宿手续42

4.Asking about Prices 询问价格42

6.Changing a Reservation 更改预订43

7.Stating that You Have Reserved Rooms 说明预订44

8.In the Room 在房间内45

9.Check out 离开结帐46

10.Changing Money at the Front Desk 在前台换钱46

11.At the Front Desk 在前台47

12.Depositing the Valuable 存放贵重物品48

13.Asking for Help 求助49

14.A Morning Call 唤醒电话49

15.Laundry Service 洗衣服务50

16.Complaining of Service 表达对服务不满51

17.Apartment Hunting(Ⅰ) 寻找住房(1)52

18.Apartment Hunting(Ⅱ) 寻找住房(2)54

19.Apartment Hunting(Ⅲ) 寻找住房(3)56

1.Booking Hotel Rooms 订旅馆房间60

Unit2 Useful Expressions 常用表达60

2.Asking What the Client Wants 询问客人的要求61

3.Stating What You Want 说明你的要求62

4.Asking about Services 询问旅馆服务事项64

5.Telling the Client about services 给客人介绍旅馆服务事项65

6.Asking about Prices 询问房间的价格67

7.Telling the Client about Prices 告诉客人房间的价格68

8.Accepting a Booking 接受预订房间70

9.Pejecting a Booking 拒绝预订房间71

10.Stating that You Have Reserved Rooms 说明你已预定了房间72

11.Assigning Rooms to the Client 给顾客分配房间73

12.Registering 登记74

13.Offering Keys and Help to the Rooms Assigned 交付房间钥匙及提供帮助75

14.Checking out 结帐76

Unit3 Tips for Readers 背景与指南78

Part Ⅲ Banking 第三部分 银行81

Unit1 Practical Dialogue 实用对话81

1.Asking about Money Exchange 了解兑换货币情况81

3.Opening an Account 开账户82

2.Changing Money 兑换货币82

4.Buying Traveler's Checks 购买旅行支票83

5.To Cash the Traveler's Checks 兑换旅行支票85

6.Using the Bank Card 使用很行卡86

Unit2 Useful Expressions 常用表达87

1.Asking about Savings 询问有关储蓄的事务87

2.Telling about Savings 说明有关储蓄的事务88

3.Asking about Money Exchange 询问有关货币兑换的事90

4.Telling about Money Exchange 说明有关货币兑换的事90

5.Asking the Client How He'd Like to Deposit,Draw or Change Money 询问顾客希望如何存、取或换钱92

6.Stating How You'd Like to Deposit,Draw or Change Money 说明你希望如何存、取或换钱93

7.Asking to Deposit,Draw or Cash Money 要求存、取或兑现钱95

8.Asking to Change Money 要求换钱96

9.Dealing With Savings or Money Exchange 处理储蓄或货币兑换事务98

Unit3 Tips for Readers 背景与指南100

1.Asking about Postage 询问邮资104

Unit1 Practical Dialogue 实用对话104

PartⅣ Postal Services 第四部分 邮政服务104

2.Asking about Time to Mail Something 询问邮寄时间105

3.Asking Ways of Sending Things 询问邮寄方式105

4.At the Post Office 在邮局106

Unit2 Useful Expressions 常用表达108

1.Asking about postage 询问邮资108

2.Telling about Postage 说明邮资109

3.Asking about Time and Ways to Mail Something 询问邮寄的时间及方式111

4.Telling about Time and Ways to Mail Something 说明邮寄的时间及方式112

5.Mailing the letter or Parcel 邮寄信件及包裹等113

6.Asking the Client Where and How to Mail Something 询问顾客邮件寄往何处,如何邮寄116

Unit3 Tips for Readers 背景与指南118

PartⅤ Health and Insurance 第五部分 健康与保险122

Unit 1 Practical Dialogue 实用对话122

1.Seeing the ?(1)122

2.Seeing the ?医生(2)122

4.Medical Insu?医疗保险124


5.About the Medical Cost 关于医疗费125

6.At the Chemist's 买药126

Unit 2 Useful Expressions 常用表达128

1.Asking the Patient about His Illness 询问病情128

2.Telling the Doctor How You Feel 诉说病情132

3.Examining 检查136

4.Diagnosing and Treating 诊断与治疗139

5.Giving Prescription and Advice 开药方与给医嘱143

Unit 3 Tips for Readers 背景与指南149

PartⅥ Shopping 第六部分 购物152

Unit 1 Practical Dialogue 实用对话152

1.Telling a Shop Assistant What You'd Like to Buy 向售货员说明你想买什么152

2.Asking a Shop Assistant for Information 向售货员了解情况153

3.Choosing ltems 选择商品153

4.Asking about Prices 询问价格154

5.Bargaining 讨价还价155

7.Paying the Bill 付款156

6.Buying Presents 购买礼品156

8.Asking for a Refund 要求退款157

9.Drawing Back Duties Paid 办理退税158

10.In the Supermarket 在超市158

11.In the Food Shop 在食品店159

12.Talking about Frozen Foods 谈论冷冻食品160

Unit2 Useful Expressions 常用表达162

1.Attending a Customer 招呼顾客162

2.Telling the Shop Assistant What You'd Like to Buy 告诉店员你想买什么163

3.Asking What the Customers Wants to Buy 询问顾客想买些什么166

4.Asking the Shop Assistant for Information,Advice,etc 向店员了解商品 信息、请求指点等167

5.Recommending Something to the Customer 向顾客推荐某物169

6.Telling the Customer Something Is Not Available 告诉顾客某物没有货173

7.Choosing Items 挑选货品174

8.Asking about Prices 询问价格177

9.Telling about Prices 说明价格179

10.Bargaining on the Buying Side 买方讨价还价181

11.Bargaining on the Selling Side 卖方讨价还价182

Unit3 Tips for Readers 背景与指南185

Rart Ⅶ Restaurant and Meals 第七部分 餐饮188

Unit 1 Practical Dialogue 实用对话188

1.Booking a Table 订桌188

2.Finding a Table for Dinner 找座位189

3.Finding out What the Restaurant Has Today 了解餐馆的当日菜谱189

4.Ordering a Meal 点菜190

5.Telling a Waiter How You'd Like Your Dish Served 向侍者说明点菜要求191

6.Responding to Hospitality 对殷勤服务的应答192

7.Asking Someone to Get You Something 请人递东西192

8.Complaining about Food 餐饮投诉193

9.Paying the Bill 结帐194

10.Enjoy the Local 品尝本地菜195

11.Breakfast 早餐195

12.Lunch 午餐196

13.Dinner 晚餐197

14.Buying a Takeout 买外带食品197

15.Eating out 外出吃饭198

16.Inviting a Friend to Eat out 邀请朋友外出吃饭200

17.Fastfood 快餐200

Unit2 Useful Expressions 常用表达203

1.Finding a Table for Dinner 找座位203

2.Seating the Dinner 给就餐者安排座位204

3.Asking If the Diner Is Ready to Order 询问就餐者是准备点菜了206

4.Asking What the Diner Would Like to Have 询问就餐者想吃什么207

5.Finding out What the Restaurant Has Today 了解餐馆今天有什么菜肴208

6.Recommending What the Restaurant Has Today 介绍餐馆今天有什么菜肴210

7.Ordering a Meal 点菜212

8.Asking How the Diner Would Like Something 询问就餐者对菜肴有什么要求217

9.Telling the Waiter How You'd Like Something 告诉服务员你对菜肴有什么要求218

10.Expressing Hospitality 表示殷勤款待218

11.Responding to Hospitality 对殷勤款待的应答221

12.Asking Somebody to Get You Something 请某人把某物递给你224

13.Complaining about Food,Table,etc. 抱怨饭菜、座位等225

14.Dealing with Complaints 应付顾客的抱怨227

Unit3 Tips for Readers 背景与指南229

PartⅧ Telephone 第八部分 电话233

Unit1 Practical Dialogue 实用对话233

1.On Inside Call 内线电话233

2.Asking the Operator for Help(Ⅰ) 求助接线员(1)234

3.Asking the Operator for Help(Ⅱ) 求助接线员(2)234

4.Starting a Phone Call 开始通话235

5.Receiving a Phone Call 接电话235

6.Phoning Long-distance Call 打长途电话236

7.Telling Someone to Have a Wrong Number 告诉某人打错电话了236

8.To Make a Collect Call 打对方付费电话237

9.Finding a Phone Number 查询电话号码238

Unit2 Useful Expressions 常用表达240

1.Asking the Operator for Help 请接线员帮助240

2.Helping to Connect the Caller 帮助接通电话242

3.Starting a Phone Call 开始通话244

4.Receiving a Phone Call 接电话246

5.Informing Somebody He Is Wanted on the Phone 通知某人有电话找他248

6.Asking Whether the Caller Has Any Message 询问打电话者是否留口信249

7.Leaving a Message 留口信250

8.Trying to Reach Somebody by Phone 设法打电话找到某人252

Unit3 Tips for Readers 背景与指南254

PartⅨ Transportation 第九部分 交通256

Unit1 Practical Dialogue 实用对话256

1.Buying a Bus Map 买公共汽车线路图256

2.Asking for Information about Bus Riding 询问乘公共汽车情况256

3.Asking a Conductor to Tell You the Stop 请售票员提醒到站257

4.At the Bus Terminal(Ⅰ) 在公共汽车总站(1)257

5.At the Bus Terminal(Ⅱ)在公共汽车总站(2)258

6.Buying a Bus Ticket 买公共汽车票259

7.Finding the Seat 找座位259

8.Taking a Wrong Bus 搭错车260

9.On a Bus 在公共汽车上260

11.Buying a Railway Ticket 买火车票261

10.Asking for Information about Train and Subway Travel 了解乘火车及地铁旅行的信息261

12.Boarding a Train 上火车262

13.On the Train(Ⅰ)在火车上(1)263

14.On the Train(Ⅱ)在火车上(2)263

15.Hiring a Taxi 租车264

16.Calling a Taxi 打车264

17.Paying the Fare 付费265

1.Asking for Information about a Bus Riding 询问乘共汽车的有关情况266

Unit 2 Useful Expressions 常用表达266

2.Giving Information about Bus Riding 提供乘公共汽车的有关情况268

3.Asking the Conductor to Tell You Your Stop 请售票员提醒你到站了271

4.Calling a Taxi 叫出租汽车271

5.Attending a Passenger 接待旅客273

6.Driving a Car 开车274

7.Looking for a Parking Space 寻找停车场地277

8.Paying the Fare 付车费278

9.Asking for Information about Train Travel 询问乘火车的有关情况279

10.Giving Information about Train Travel 提供乘火车的有关情况282

11.Booking a Ticket 订车票285

12.Boarding a Train 上火车286

13.Serving the Passenger on Board a Train 在火车上为旅客服务288

14.Finding the Way 问路289

Unit3 Tips for Readers 背景与指南292

PartⅩ Life on the Campus 第十部分 校园生活295

Unit 1 Practical Dialogue 实用对话295

1.About Campus 有关校园295

2.On the Playground 在操场上296

3.In the Library(Ⅰ)在图书馆(1)297

4.In the Library(Ⅱ)在图书馆(2)297

5.In the library(Ⅲ)在图书馆(3)299

6.In the Library(Ⅳ)在图书馆(4)300

7.In the Library(Ⅴ)在图书馆(5)301

8.In the Library(Ⅵ)在图书馆(6)303

9.In the Library(Ⅶ)在图书馆(7)304

1.Asking about Appropriateness 询问措辞是否得体的问题306

Unit2 Useful Expressions 常用表达306

2.Asking about Correctness 询问措辞是否正确的问题307

3.Asking about Meaning 询问有关词句意思的问题308

4.Asking about Pronunciation 询问有关发音的问题310

5.Asking about Spelling 询问有关拼写的问题310

6.Borrowing Boos,Magazines,etc. 借书、杂志等312

Unit3 Tips fot Readers 背景与指南314

PartⅪ Miscellaneous 第十一部分 其他318

Unit 1 Practical Dialogue 实用对话318

1.Talking about Climate 谈论气候318

2.Talking about Pary 谈论聚会321

3.Talking about Tax 谈论税收326

4.Talking about Social Crime 谈论社会犯罪327

5.Job Interview 工作面试328

6.Go to the Theater 去剧院331

Unit2 Useful Expressions 常用表达333

1.Watching a Football Match 看足球赛333

2.Talking about the Football Match 谈论足球赛的情况337

3.Watching a Track and Field Match 观看田径赛340

4.Buying Tickets 购票343

5.Selling Tickets 售票345

6.Seeing a Play 看戏347

7.Talking about the Play 谈论戏剧演出349

8.Talking about the Performers 谈论演员351

9.Asking about the Weather 询问天气情况353

10.Anticipating a Weather Change 预期天气要变354

11.Watching TV 看电视357

12.Talking about TV Programs 谈论电视节目359

13.Applying for a Job 申请就业361

14.Asking the Applicant about His Qualifications and Intentions,etc. 向申请人了解他的资格条件及意图等362

15.Stating What Qualifications,Experience and Intentions you have 说明你有什么资格、条件工作经验及意图等363

16.Stating What Kind of Job You'd Like to Take 说明你想从事什么工作365

17.Dealing With the Application 处理求职申请366

18.Asking about Somebody's Job 询问某人的职业情况368

Unit3 Tips for Readers 背景与指南371
