聚焦皇家骑警 加拿大警务研修实录【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- 孙大虹著 著
- 出版社: 北京:群众出版社
- ISBN:750143493X
- 出版时间:2005
- 标注页数:230页
- 文件大小:84MB
- 文件页数:249页
- 主题词:摄影集-中国-现代;警察-概况-加拿大
聚焦皇家骑警 加拿大警务研修实录PDF格式电子书版下载
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皇家骑警 The Royal Canadian Mounted Police3
威武的皇家骑警 The impressive Royal Canadian Mounted Police5
信息行动中心 The Information and Action Center17
警察训练基地 Police Training Base23
皇家骑警马队 RCMP31
皇家骑警学院 RCMP Institute37
加拿大警察的技能培训 Skills Training for Canadian Polic39
警察学员的体能训练 Physical Training on Campus45
警察学员的实战模拟训练 Simulated Training on Campus51
观看阅警式 Dress Parade53
参观皇家骑警博物馆 A Visit to RCMP Museum59
皇家骑警的基本原则 Basic Principles of RCMP61
商业犯罪的“克星” “Natural Enemy” to Business Crime63
形式多样的犯罪手法和调查方法 Various Means of Crimes and Investigations65
归犯罪情报局管辖的保安调查小组 Newton Falls Information Network67
做任何事一定要有授权 Requirements of Authorization69
反恐怖组织 Antiterrorism Organization71
评估面对的威胁 Assessment of the Coming Threats73
打击有组织犯罪 Striking Organized Crime76
加拿大的四大犯罪组织 Four Big Criminal Organizations in Canada77
魁北克省的有组织犯罪团伙 Criminal Groups in Quebec79
打击有组织犯罪的策略和手段 Means and Strategies for Fighting Organized Crime83
打击恐怖主义 Striking Terrorism87
恐怖主义的定义 Definition of Terrorism89
恐怖组织 Terrorist Organizations91
对恐怖犯罪的打击 Means for Fighting Terrorist Crime94
警察情报工作 Police Intelligence101
情报信息工作 Intelligence Information103
情报信息的收集 Collection of Information103
情报信息分析研究机制 Mechanism for Information Analysis105
情报信息的利用 Utilization of Information108
情报信息中心 Information Center110
情报信息共享 Shared Information111
不可低估的边境情报组 Important Information-collecting Groups in Border Areas113
打击金融犯罪和毒品犯罪 Striking Financial and Drug-related Crime116
打击金融及毒品犯罪工作机制Mechanism for Striking Financial and Drug-related Crime117
常见的洗钱手段 Common Means for Laundering Illegal Money119
非法收益犯罪类型 Types of Illegal Income120
非法收益犯罪的具体调查步骤 Means for Investigating Illegal Income121
打击毒品犯罪 Striking Drug-related Crime123
警务联盟 Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit(CFSEU)128
警务联盟模式 Models of CFSEU129
警务联盟的主要任务 CFSEU Maun Tasks130
共同打击有组织犯罪和恐怖活动 Shared Responsibility for Striking Organized Crime and Terrorism131
警务联盟的工作方法和手段 CFSEU Methods and Means132
多伦多城市警察 Toronto City Police134
多伦多市的接处警通讯中心 Toronto Communication Center for Receiving Crime Reports135
严格的接处警培训 Training for the Communication Center140
通讯保障处 Communication Security Department142
城市的社区警务 Toronto Local Community Police Affairs142
职业化的接警员队伍 Professional Police for Dealing with Crime Reports142
警区留置室 Detainee Room146
警员的考核和训练 Police Assessment and Training152
皇家骑警与地方警察 RCMP and the Local Police154
皇家骑警的数量 The Number of RCMP155
警察的执法权 Law Enforcement Right159
警方调查案件的五种渠道 Five Channels for Police Investigating Criminal Cases161
警察物建线人 The Selection and Training for Moles161
警务联盟的组成 Composition of the Police-Affairs Alliance163
情报与风险评估 Information and Risk Assessment166
情报分析 Intelligence Analysis167
情报经费投入 Investment for Gathering Intelligence169
情报传递 Sharing Intelligence171
风险评估工作 Risk-assessment172
界定面临的威胁程度 Assessing the Levels of the Existing Threats173
接警通讯中心及接警方式 The Communication Center for Receiving Crime Reports and their Methods176
接警与警察巡逻 Report-receiving and Police Patrol177
消防不隶属于警察 Fire-fighters and Police179
处置恐怖活动 Dealing with Terrorism182
处置恐怖活动的三个阶段 Three Stages for Dealing with Terrorism183
处置恐怖活动的授权 Authorization for Dealing with Terrorism185
打入恐怖犯罪组织内部的方法 Methods for Infiltrating Terrorist Organizations187
反恐机构里的技术侦察 The Technical Reconnaissance of Anti-terrorism Institutions188
如何保护受威胁的警官和法官 Protecting the Police Officers and Judges under Threat189
边境执法及打击毒品犯罪 Enforcing the Law in the Border Area and Striking Drug-related Crime192
边境执法力量 Boarder Area Law Enforcement193
控制下交付侦办预备案件 Controlling the Investigation of Cases Through Planning and Reconnaissance196
打击犯罪组织的非法收益 Striking Criminal Organization's Illegal Income198
对不明财产的举证责任 Responsibility for Producing Evidence of Unexplainable Property199
搜查和冻结财产 Searching and Freezing Unexplainable Property200
皇家骑警与金融交易分析中心 RCMP and the Center of Financial Transaction Analysis201
洗钱与官员腐败行为 Laundering Illegal Money and Corrupt Officials202
涉及恐怖活动的资金调查 Investigation of the Terrorism-related Funds203
被冻结收缴的非法巨额资产能否归还中国 Problems concerning the Return of the Large-scale Frozen Illegal Property to China203
其他方面 Other Aspects206
各国移民的自治组织 Organizations Run by Immigrants207
司法互助及引渡 Mutual Judicial Aid and Extradition209
加拿大公民可以携带枪支 Stipulation of Gun Control Laws210
作者与翻译小高的对话 A Dialogue between the Author and the Interpreter Mr.Gao212
五花八门的警察体系 Various Police Systems213
按照职责内容划分权限 Jurisdiction up to duty216
加拿大警衔体系 Canadian Police Ranks216
加拿大的警服 Uniforms217
市警察局长不由政府任命 Government Official Choice Making and its Stipulations219
警察招募的条件 Requirements for Recruiting Police220
执法资源整合模式一警务联盟 Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit221
思考与启示 Enlightenment224
合理划分警务事权,改革、调整管理体制 Reform and restructure administration mechanism226
完善工作运行机制,提高快速反应和打击防范能力 Swift effective response and crime prevention227
发展职业教育培训,提高整体素质和实战能力 Develop professional training for increasing crime-fighting capabilities228
探索文职警察制度,推进公安人事制度改革 Introduce civilian system,push personnel reform229
开展国际警务合作,提升在国际上的影响力 Promote international policing cooperation229
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