创意江南 李亚的菜 珍藏版【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- 李亚著 著
- 出版社: 南京:江苏科学技术出版社
- ISBN:9787534572135
- 出版时间:2010
- 标注页数:227页
- 文件大小:66MB
- 文件页数:230页
- 主题词:菜谱-华东地区
创意江南 李亚的菜 珍藏版PDF格式电子书版下载
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凉菜类COLD DISHES江南糟三拼Jiangnan Vegetarian Combination14
冰镇法国鹅肝Iced French Goose Liver 16
醉鸡柚子冻Liquor-saturated Chicken with Grapefruit Aspic 18
金瓜蛋色拉Pumpkin and Egg Salad 20
龙井熏鳜鱼Smoked Mandarin Fish in Longjing Tea 22
寿司山药筒Sushi and Yam Roll 24
腐皮小瓜卷Melon in Bean Curd Skin 26
三文鱼子芥末虾Salmon Roe with Deep-fried Prawns Topped with Mustard 28
荠菜藕粉袖Shepherd's Purse Rolls 29
冰醉小龙虾Chilled Crayfish in Wine 30
蟹肉熏三文鱼卷Crabmeat & Smoked Salmon Roll 32
芝士三文鱼焗西红柿Braised Salmon with Tomato and Cheese 34
黄豆牛筋冻Cowheels Jelly with Soybean 36
葱香酸辣鸭掌Hot and Sour Duck Web with Scallion37
鲜橙金枪鱼基围虾Shrimps and Tuna with Orange Grains38
珍贵干货类RARE DRIED INGREDIENTS金汤小米辽参Braised Sea Cucumbers and Millet in Golden Broth40
生拆蟹钳翅Crab Claws with Shark Fin42
虫草花西米豆腐Cordyceps Flower with Sago and Tofu44
椰盅翡翠血燕Bird's Nest and Green Beans in Coconut Shells46
三椒海参Sea Cucumbers with Three Kinds of Pimientos48
虫草松茸冲红蛏Cordyceps Flower and Tricholoma Matsutake with Red Razor Clams50
海河鲜类FRESH SEAFOOD招牌咖喱蟹Reputable Curry Crabs52
笋干菜黄鱼脯Dried Bamboo Shoots and Vegetables with Fried Croaker54
浓汤鲜鲍仔Fresh Abalone in Thick Soup56
葱香煎生蚝Fried Oysters with Scallion57
冰澳洲鲜鲍拼辽参Chilled Fresh Australian Abalone with Sea Cucumber58
香茅玉女虾Shrimps with Lemograss60
明炉多宝鱼Turbot Hotpot62
蜂巢凤尾虾Phoenix-tailed Shrimp in Honeycomb64
海皇捞五谷Seafood with Grains66
过桥海螺片Cross-bridge Conch Slices68
越南春卷芒果虾Vietnamese Spring Rolls with Shrimps and Mango70
琥珀桃仁鳗鱼Amber Walnut Meat with Eel72
鲜露文蛤鸡Fresh Clams with Chicken74
海胆鱼子虾豆腐Urchins and Roes with Braised Bean Curd with Shrimps76
沙锅鲍鱼鸡Abalone with Chicken in Casserole77
豆蓉酒酿蒸鲥鱼Steamed Hilsa Herring in Bean Paste and Rice Wine Sauce78
香茅咖喱鳕鱼Curry Cod with Lemongrass80
山药米汤东星斑Grouper with Chinese Yam in Rice Soup82
辣椒仔炸芝麻鱼排Fried Fish Steak with Tabasco and Sesames84
菠萝珊瑚鱼Fried Mandarin Fish with Pineapple Juice85
海胆豆腐花Sea Urchin with Bean Curd Jelly86
花雕堂蒸笋壳鱼Garupa Steamed with Huadiao Wine88
笋干菜墨鱼仔Dried Bamboo Shoots and Vegetables with Cuttlefish90
新派炖生敲Braised Eels with Chopped Meat92
芥辣螺片北极贝Assorted Sliced Conch and Actic Shell Meat in Mustard94
铁板蒜蓉虾Roasted Shrimp and Chopped Garlic on Sizzling Plate96
生烤蛏子Roasted Razor Clam98
河虾爆双色椰菜Stir-fried Fresh-water Shrimp and Double-colored Broccoli100
石烹竹签虾Bamboo Stick Shrimp in Hot Stones102
蓝莓酱杏仁吐司Blue Strawberry Jam and Alnond Toast104
银丝蟹肉卷Crab Meat Roll and Fresh-water Shrimp in Wafer Paper106
蟹粉豆腐拼雪场蟹钳Tofu with Crab Claw108
蛋黄焗龙虾仔配莼菜Braised Baby Lobsters with Yolk and Water Shield110
酸奶鱼子酱澳龙Australian Lobsters with Yoghurt Caviar112
沙嗲葱香鱿鱼圈Squid Ring with Satay Sauce114
珍珠四宝卷Assorted Bean Sheet Rolls116
花雕酒蒸九节虾Steamed Shrimps with Huadiao Wine118
茉莉花手剥河虾仁Jasmine Shrimp120
海鲜汤冲鱼面Noodle with Seafood Soup122
干葱香芋焖蟹Braised Crab with Taro and Scallion124
鲜虾蚌肉火腿卷Clam-shrimp Ham Roll126
芙蓉豆浆蟹Steamed Crab in Soybean Milk128
山楂油条配鳕鱼Cod with Hawthorns and Deep-fried Dough Sticks130
柚香爆鳝背Fried Eel with Grapefruit Juice131
火焰海螺配糖葫芦Baked Conch with Sugarcoated Haws on a Stick132
西红柿烤鲈鱼配果醋Grilled Weever with Tomatoes and Fruit Vinegar134
蛤蜊家常饼Home-style Clam Cake136
开胃鱼头皇Delicious Supreme Fish Head138
禽畜肉类POULTRY AND MEAT红酒雪梨糖排Sweet Pork Ribs with Pears in Red Wine140
金瓜稻香肉Rice and Pork with Pumpkins142
香脆小烤肉Delicious and Crumbly Barbecue144
沙茶蒜香牛仔粒Veal Granule with Barbecue Sauce and Garlic146
苹果煎鹅肝Stir-fried Goose Liver with Apple148
茶香炒鸭舌Fried Duck Tongues with Tea Flavor150
清炖瓜饺鸡浮Stewed Chicken with White Gourd and Shrimp Dumplings152
烧烤猪颈肉Roasted Pork Neck154
酸汤肥牛蟹Shredded Beef and Crabs Stewed in Hot and Sour Sauce156
草莓猪寸骨Pork Leg with Strawberry Sauce158
生菜牛肉包Lettuce and Beef Bun160
石笋蒸酱肉Steamed Pork with Bamboo Shoot161
双椒霸王蹄Peppers and Pork Trotter162
中式烧烤牛排Chinese Roasted Steak164
一品葱椒鸡Peppered Chicken with Scallion166
爆米黄金鸡Crispy Chicken with Popcorns168
稻香羊肉捞鱼面Silver Carp Noodles and Mutton with Rice Straw Flavor170
橘香排骨Orange Flavored Pork Chops172
乡村啤酒兔Hare Meat in Beer173
薯虾爆三脆Potato Chips and Shrimps with Three Fried Foods174
菌菇蔬菜类MUSHROOM AND VEGETABLES松茸翅汤澳带Matsutake and Australian Scallops in Shark's Fin Soup176
豆香酿双宝Soybeans with Bean Curd and Shrimp Meat178
香草明太子酿香菇Shrimp Ball Steamed with Mushrooms and Vanilla180
避风塘炒茶树菇Stir-fried Mushroom by Beforetime's Way182
芦蒿麦仁螺蛳肉Spiral Shell Meat Fried with Wormwood and Wheat Core184
萝卜圆干菜花锅Turnip Ball and Dried Cauliflower in Clay Pot186
南湖菱野菜丸Nanhu Water Caltrop and Wild Veggie Ball188
蘑菇汁煎带子Fried Scallop with Fungus Juice190
松露蟹黄瓜脯Crab Steamed with Truffle and Wax Gourd191
橙汁酿瓜脯Melon with Orange Juice192
韭香烤豆腐鱼Grilled Tofu Fish with Leek194
桂花粉丝三文鱼Osmanthus Vermicelli with Salmon196
藏红花栗子菜胆Boiled Cabbage with Saffron and Chestnut198
酥皮金瓜葛仙米Wild Veggie Nostoc in Pumpkin with Crispy Crust200
桃仁小炒皇Walnut Kernel with Stir-fried Shredded Meat201
玉米汁金菇菜心Enoki Mushroom and Flowering Cabbage in Corn Juice202
丝网豌豆菌菇盏Peas and Mushroom Bun204
铁板黄金包Egg Buns on Sizzling Plate205
萝卜筒骨锅Radish with Pork Bones in Hot Pot206
紫苏杏仁香蕉卷Banana Roll in Perilla Leaves Covered with Almonds207
主食饭面类RICE AND NOODLES麻球豆腐渣Glutinous Rice Ball with Bean Curd Dregs208
绿茶龟苓膏麦场Pastry of Green Tea Powder and Gelatinous Gel210
香米扇贝饭Scallop Rice212
银鱼榄菜石锅饭Stewed Sliverfish and Kale Borecole in Stone Pot214
蟹汁虾仁翡翠面Shrimp Noodles with Crab Juice216
彩虹紫薯包Special Taro Bun217
流沙糯米球Glutinous Rice Balls Covered by Salted Egg Yolk218
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