

  • (美)帕迪利亚(Padilla,M.J.)著 著
  • 出版社: 杭州:浙江教育出版社
  • ISBN:7533869869
  • 出版时间:2008
  • 标注页数:293页
  • 文件大小:64MB
  • 文件页数:296页
  • 主题词:生理卫生-普及读物-英文


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Human Biology and Health14

Nature of Science:Finding a Balance in Nutrition14

Chapter 1 Healthy Body Systems18

1 How the Body Is Organized20

2 Keeping the Body in Balance27

3 Integrating Health:Wellness32

Chapter 2 Bones,Muscles,and Skin40

1 The Skeletal System42

2 Integrating Technology:Diagnosing Bone and Joint Injuries50

3 The Muscular System54

4 The Skin60

Chapter 3 Food and Digestion70

1 Food and Energy72

2 Integrating Health:Healthy Eating81

3 The Digestive Process Begins86

4 Final Digestion and Absorption94

Chapter 4 Circulation102

1 The Body's Transportation System104

2 A Closer Look at Blood Vessels111

3 Blood and Lymph117

4 Integrating Health:Cardiovascular Health124

Chapter 5 Respiration and Excretion132

1 The Respiratoty System134

2 Integrating Health:Smoking and Your Health144

3 The Excretory System149

Chapter 6 Fighting Disease158

1 Infectious Disease160

2 The Body's Defenses165

3 Preventing Infectious Disease174

4 Noninfectious Disease179

5 Integrating Environmental Science:Cancer and the Environment186

Chapter 7 The Nervous System192

1 How the Nervous System Works194

2 Divisions of the Nervous System200

3 The Senses208

4 Integrating Health:Alcohol and Other Drugs216

Chapter 8 The Endocrine System and Reproduction228

1 The Endocrine System230

2 The Male and Female Reproductive Systems235

3 Pregnancy,Birth,and Childhood241

4 Integrating Health:Adolescence—A Time of Change248

Interdisciplinary Exploration:The Olympic Games258

Reference Section264

Skills Handbook264

Think Like a Scientist264

Making Measurements266

Conducting a Scientific Investigation268

Thinking Critically270

Organizing Information272

Creating Data Tables and Graphs274

Appendix A:Laboratory Safety277




Inquiry Activities19


Opportunities for long-term inquiry19

Chapter 1:Time for a Change19

Chapter 2:On the Move41

Chapter 3:What's for Lunch?71

Chapter 4:Travels of a Red Blood Cell103

Chapter 5:Get the Message Out133

Chapter 6:Stop the Invasion!159

Chapter 7:Tricks and Illusions193

Chapter 8:A Precious Bundle229

Sharpen your Skills28

Practice of specific science inquiry skillsInterpreting Data28



Creating Data Tables114


Posing Questions163

Drawing Conclusions180

Controlling Variables202

Designing Experiments214



Designing Experiments245


Exploration and inquiry before reading20

How Do You Lift Books?20

What Happens When You Are Startled?27

How Well Do You Take Care of Your Health?32

Hard as a Rock?42

What Do X-Ray Images Show?50

How Do Muscles Work?54

What Can You Observe About Skin?60

Food Claims—Fact or Fiction?72

Do Snack Foods Contain Fat?81

How Can You Speed Up Digestion?86

Which Surface Is Larger?94

How Hard Does Your Heart Work?104

How Does Pressure Affect the Flow of Blood?111

What Kinds of Cells Are in Blood?117

Which Foods Are"Heart Healthy"?124

How Big Can You Blow Up a Balloon?134

What Are the Dangers of Smoking?144

How Does Filtering a Liquid Change What Is In It?149

How Does a Disease Spread?160

Which Pieces Fit Together?165

What Substances Can Kill Pathogens?174

What Happens When Airflow is Restricted?179

What Does Sunlight Do to the Beads?186

How Simple Is a Simple Task?194

How Does Your Knee React?200

What's in the Bag?208

How Can You Best Say No?216

What's the Signal?230

What's the Big Difference?235

How Many Ways Does a Child Grow?241

How Do Ads Portray Teenagers?248

TRY Tuis22

Reinforcement of key concepts22

How Is a Book Organized?22

Wellness in the Balance34

Soft Bones?44

Get a Grip56

Sweaty Skin63

Modeling Peristalsis89

Break Up!95

Caught in the Web120

Blocking the Flow125

Do You Exhale Carbon Dioxide?139

Stuck Together170

Why Do You Need Two Eyes?209


Way to Grow!243

Skills Lab59

In-depth practice of inquiry skills59

A Look Beneath the Skin59

As The Stomach Churns92

Heart Beat,Health Beat116

A Breath of Fresh Air143

Causes of Death,Then and Now184

Ready or Not199

Growing Up254

Real-World Lab26

Everyday application of science concepts26

A Body of Knowledge26

Sun Safety64

Iron for Breakfast80

Do You Know Your A-B-O's?123

Clues About Health152

The Skin as a Barrier172

With Caffeine or Without?220

Interdisciplinary Activities75

Math Toolbox75

Calculating Percent75

Pulse Rate112

Science and History126

Cardiovascular Advances in the Twentieth Century126

Fighting Infectious Disease176

Science and Society98

Advertising and Nutrition98

Should People Be Required to Wear Bicycle Helmets?207


Language Arts30

Visual Arts48

Social Studies76

Language Arts108

Social Studies140

Social Studies167

Visual Arts203

Social Studies251
