

  • 饶振辉著 著
  • 出版社: 上海:上海外语教育出版社
  • ISBN:7544604802
  • 出版时间:2007
  • 标注页数:336页
  • 文件大小:143MB
  • 文件页数:354页
  • 主题词:大学生-英语-学习方法-研究


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CHAPTER 1 Introduction1

1.0 Introduction1

1.1 Current Trends in Research on Individual Differences in L2 Acquisition2

1.2 Hypotheses and Significance of This Study6

1.3 An Outline of the Book7

CHAPTER 2 Review of Research on Language Learning Strategies9

2.0 Introduction9

2.1 Defining and Categorizing Learning Strategies10

2.1.1 Defining Learning Strategies10

2.1.2 Categorizing Learning Strategies16

2.2 Learning Strategies and Language Learning23

2.2.1 The"Good Language Learner"Studies23

2.2.2 Correlational Studies Employing Statistical Procedures26

2.3 Strategic Performance in Different Language Skill Areas31

2.3.1 Listening32

2.3.2 Speaking33

2.3.3 Reading35

2.3.4 Writing37

2.3.5 Vocabulary Learning38

2.4 Factors Affecting Choice of Language Learning Strategies39

2.4.1 Cultural Heritage40

2.4.2 Motivation42

2.4.3 Age and Gender43

2.4.4 Career Orientation45

2.4.5 Educational Setting46

2.5 Conclusion48

CHAPTER 3 Theoretical Foundation for the Study of Language Learning Strategies in L2 Acquisition50

3.0 Introduction50

3.1 Theoretical Development in the Study of LLS in L2 Acquisition51

3.2 Anderson's Adaptive Control of Thought(ACT)Model53

3.2.1 Language Learning as Cognitive Learning54

3.2.2 LLS as Cognitive Skills57

3.3 Biggs's Student Approaches to Learning(SAL)Framework64

3.3.1 Surface,Deep and Achieving Approaches to Learning64

3.3.2 Learning Strategies in the SAL Framework69

3.4 Gardner's Social-educational Model73

3.4.1 The Interplay of Social-psychological Variables in the Social-educational Model74

3.4.2 The Influence of Social-psychological Variables on Students'Choice of LLS78

3.5 Conclusion81

CHAPTER 4 Research Methodology84

4.0 Introduction84

4.1 The Goals of This Study84

4.2 Methodological Approach86

4.3 Adoption and Adaptation of the SILL91

4.3.1 Procedures93

4.3.2 Adaptation of the SILL93

4.3.3 Limitations of the Adapted SILL99

4.4 Data Collection and Analysis100

4.4.1 Quantitative Study100

4.4.2 Qualitative Study106

4.5 Ethical Considerations111

4.6 Conclusion112

CHAPTER 5 The Cultural and Edueational Context of the Present Study114

5.0 Introduction114

5.1 The Influence of Chinese Culture on Students'Ways of Learning115

5.1.1 Collectivism and Interdependent Self in the Chinese Culture116

5.1.2 Socialization for Achievement118

5.1.3 Attitudes to Power and Authority120

5.2 Chinese Traditional Education122

5.2.1 Overview of Chinese Traditional Education123

5.2.2 Maxims Concerning Teaching and Learning124

5.3 EFL Teaching in China127

5.3.1 Development of EFL Teaching in China127

5.3.2 Difficulties and Challenges for EFL Teaching in China Today131

5.3.3 Common Features of Teaching and Learning English in the Chinese Context133

5.3.4 Some Current Social-economic Influences on Chinese Learners of English135

5.4 EFL Teaching and Learning in Chinese Universities137

5.4.1 Teachers137

5.4.2 Students139

5.4.3 The English Intensive Reading Course in China141

5.5 Conclusion143

CHAPTER 6 Results145

6.0 Introduction145

6.1 Differences in Overall Strategy Use145

6.1.1 The Quantitative Data146

6.1.2 The Qualitative Data148

6.2 Differences in Strategy Use in the Six SILL Categories156

6.2.1 The Quantitative Data157

6.2.2 The Qualitative Data162

6.3 Differences in Use of Each Strategy by English Proficiency179

6.3.1 The Quantitative Data179

6.3.2 The Qualitative Data189

6.4 Differences in Use of Each Strategy by Gender216

6.5 Conclusion221

CHAPTER 7 Discussion of Results:Factors Affecting Students'Use of Learning Strategies222

7.0 Introduction222

7.1 Cultural Factors223

7.1.1 Collectivist Value224

7.1.2 Self-determination225

7.1.3 Perseverance225

7.1.4 Teacher's Authority226

7.2 Student Factors227

7.2.1 English Proficiency227

7.2.2 Motivation244

7.2.3 Students'Approaches to Learning246

7.2.4 Major Field of Study256

7.2.5 Gender258

7.3 Teaching Context Factors263

7.3.1 Educational Pattern263

7.3.2 L2 Acquisition Context269

7.4 Conclusion273

CHAPTER 8 Conclusions and Implications276

8.0 Introduction276

8.1 Summary of Major Findings in This Study277

8.1.1 Findings Regarding Strategic Differences Between Individual Students277

8.1.2 Findings Regarding the Influence of Chinese Culture and Education on Students'Strategy Use280

8.2 Theoretical Implications281

8.3 Pedagogical Implications283

8.3.1 Promoting Strategy Use by Strategy Training283

8.3.2 Promoting Strategy Use by Diversifying EFL Teaching Methods286

8.4 Suggestions for Future Research288

8.5 Conclusion290



1.Classification of Learning Strategies in L2 Acquisition by Wong-Fillmore(1976)309

2.Classification of Learning Strategies in L2 Acquisition by Naiman et al.(1978)310

3.Classification of Learning Strategies in L2 Acquisition by Rubin(1981)311

4.Classification of Learning Strategies in L2 Acquisition by Chamot and O'Malley(1994)312

5.Classification of Learning Strategies in L2 Acquisition by Oxford(1990)314

6.Semi-structured Interview316

7.Changed Items in the Adapted SILL317

8.A Letter of Invitation319

9.Information Sheet(A)320

10.Consent Form(A)322

11.Strategy Inventory for Language Learning323

12.Information Sheet(B)330

13.Consent Form(B)332

14.Structured Interview Guide333

15.Semi-structured Interview Guide334

16.A Sample of Reading Lesson Plan335
