
- 衡仁权著 著
- 出版社: 苏州:苏州大学出版社
- ISBN:9787811373738
- 出版时间:2009
- 标注页数:341页
- 文件大小:113MB
- 文件页数:370页
- 主题词:英语-学习方法-研究
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0. Introduction1
0.1 Need for the study2
0.1.1 Motivations2 Linear-nonlinear controversy over L2 writing development2 Relationship between structural complexity and L2 writing proficiency4
0.1.2 Significance of the present study7 Theoretical value7 Having a better understanding of the use of English verbs by Chinese English students7 Clarifying the issue of linear-nonlinear L2 structural development9 Providing a framework for performance analyses of longitudinal changes in learner language9 Practical values11 Motivating the design of longitudinal studies in the second language research11 Offering guidance for the teaching and learning of a second language12
0.2 Overview of the dissertation13
PART Ⅰ Literature Review17
Chapter One Review of Theoretical Issues and Empirical Studies17
1.1 Overview17
1.2 Theoretical issues17
1.2.1 Dispute over the linear/nonlinear L2 developmental process17
1.2.2 Dispute over the modular /unitary L2 developmental process20
1.3 Empirical studies22
1.3.1 Studies on changes in structural complexity and structural accuracy23 Studies on changes in structural complexity23 Studies on the changes in structural accuracy28 Studies on the changes in structural complexity and structural accuracy33 Problems identified with previous studies43 Solutions suggested in the present study46
1.3.2 Studies dealing with the learner behaviors of English verbs47
1.4 Summary52
Chapter Two Key Terms and Framework for the Present Study54
2.1 Overview54
2.2 Key terms54
2.2.1 Verb pattern54 Defining“verb pattern”54 Identifying verb patterns57 Classifying verb patterns60 Problems with VP classification in Pattern Grammar63 VP classification proposed for the present study64
2.2.2 VP structural complexity,VP variation and VP structural accuracy67 VP structural complexity67 Defining VP structural complexity67 Measuring VP structural complexity68 VP variation72 Defining VP variation72 Measuring VP variation73 VP structural accuracy75 Defining VP structural accuracy75 Measuring VP structural accuracy76
2.3 The framework of the present study78
2.4 Differences between the present and previous studies84
2.5 Summary86
PART Ⅱ Methodology89
Chapter Three Research Design89
3.1 Overview89
3.2 Research questions89
3.3 Materials91
3.3.1 A brief description of the corpus LSECCL91
3.3.2 Participants contributing to the corpus LSECCL92
3.3.3 Tasks in the corpus LSECCL92
3.4 Data preparation93
3.4.1 Data selection93 The learner data selected from the corpus LSECCL93 The rationale behind the selection of monologues with different topics94 The native speaker corpus98
3.4.2 Data cleaning99
3.5 Data analysis103
3.5.1 Coding verb patterns103
3.5.2 Computing the developmental indexes in the study107 Inclusion of errors in computing the developmental indexes107 Computing VP structural complexity109 Computing VP variation113 Computing VP structural accuracy115 Computing VP frequencies in different types116
3.5.3 Statistical analyses117
PART Ⅲ Results and Discussion121
Chapter Four Change in VP Structural Complexity121
4.1 Overview121
4.2 Changes in VP structural complexity of monologues by the overall sample121
4.3 Changes in VP structural complexity of monologues by students with different starting-levels124
4.4 Changes in normalized frequencies of different types of verb pattetns of monologues by students with different starting-levels132
4.4.1 Changes in the normalized frequencies of different types of verb patterns of monologues by the high-starters133
4.4.2 Changes in the normalized frequencies of different types of verb patterns of monologues by the middle-starters137
4.4.3 Changes in the normalized frequencies of different types of verb patterns of monologues by the low-starters141
4.4.4 Comparing the high-, middle-, and low-starters in the normalized frequencies of different types of verb patterns145
4.5 Changes in the use of VP-3151
4.5.1 Changes in the use of different types of verb patterns included in VP-3151
4.5.2 Changes in the use of V that clause157
4.6 Summary160
Chapter Five Change in VP Variation162
5.1 Overview162
5.2 Changes in VP variations of monologues by the overall sample163
5.3 Changes in VP variations of monologues by students with different starting-levels165
5.4 Changes in VP variations of different types of verb pattetns of monologues by students with different starting-levels172
5.4.1 Changes in VP variations of different types of verb patterns of monologues by the high-starters173
5.4.2 Changes in VP variations of different types of verb patterns of monologues by the middle-starters177
5.4.3 Changes in VP variations of different types of verb patterns of monologues by the low-starters181
5.4.4 Comparing the high-,middle-and low-starters in the changes in VP variations of different types of verb patterns185
5.5 Changes in VP variation of VP-5191
5.6 Summary195
Chapter Six Change in VP Structural Accuracy197
6.1 Overview197
6.2 Changes in VP structural accuracy of monologues by the overall sample198
6.3 Changes in VP structural accuracy of monologues by students with different starting-levels201
6.4 Changes in VP structural accuracies of different types of verb patterns of monologues by students with differing starting-levels207
6.5 Changes in VP structural errors210
6.5.1 Errors committed in the use of VP-1211
6.5.2 Errors committed in the use of VP-2213
6.5.3 Errors committed in the use of VP-3217
6.5.4 Errors committed in the use of VP-4219
6.5.5 Errors committed in the use of VP-5224
6.6 Summary229
PART Ⅳ Conclusions233
Chapter Seven Major Findings,Implications and Limitations233
7.1 Major findings233
7.1.1 Findings related to the change in VP structural complexity233
7.1.2 Findings related to the change in VP variation234
7.1.3 Findings related to the change in VP structural accuracy235
7.1.4 Findings related to the changes in the use of different types of verb patterns of monologues by students with different starting levels235
7.2 Implications236
7.2.1 Theoretical implications236 Having a better understanding of the use of verb patterns by Chinese students in the oral performance236 Clarifying the issue of linear-nonlinear L2 developmental process238 Providing a descriptive framework for the performance analysis of longitudinal changes in other aspects of learner language239
7.2.2 Methodological implications245
7.2.3 Pedagogical implications246
7.3 Limitations248
7.4 Suggestions for further research250
7.5 Summary252
Appendix Ⅰ268
Appendix Ⅱ321
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