名人名言录 英汉对照 双色版【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- 郑天生,郑弘编 著
- 出版社: 北京:中国对外翻译出版公司
- ISBN:7500111304
- 出版时间:2006
- 标注页数:446页
- 文件大小:16MB
- 文件页数:459页
- 主题词:格言-汇编-世界-英、汉
名人名言录 英汉对照 双色版PDF格式电子书版下载
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Ability 能力1
Achievement 成功(事业)4
Duty and Responsibility 责任11
Action 行为13
Habit 习惯17
Haste 匆忙19
Adventure 冒险20
Boldness and Enterprise 大胆进取21
Absence 分别23
Life 人生26
Children and Childhood 孩提与童年30
Adolescence 青春33
Maturity 成熟37
Age andAging 岁月与衰老39
Death 死亡44
美好幸福篇:Beauty and Happiness48
Beauty 美好48
Happiness 幸福51
Charm and Cheerfulness 美丽与愉快53
Pleasure 快乐56
Body and Face 身体与脸面58
Appearance 外表(形象)60
Clothing 着装63
Weight 体重64
Style 风格65
Taste 品味67
Health and Fitness 强身健体68
Vision 视觉70
Nations 国家与民族73
Government 政府75
Peoples and Places 人民与地域80
Patriotism and Nationalism 爱国主义与民族主义83
Diplomacy 外交86
America and Americans 美国与美国民众88
England 英格兰92
Leaders and Rulers 领袖与统治者95
Politics and Politicians 政治与政治家98
Anger 愤怒103
Anxiety 焦虑104
Complaint and Compromise 抱怨与妥协108
Enthusiasm and Zeal 热情与热心111
Passion 激情113
Courage 勇气115
Adversity 逆境119
Disappointment and Dreams 失望与梦想123
Faults,Error and Weaknesses 过失与缺点125
Suicide 自杀128
自然环境篇:Nature and Environment130
Nature 自然130
Flowers and Trees 花草132
Animals 动物134
The Sea 大海137
The Environment 环境138
Society 社会141
Science 科学144
Curiositv 好奇147
Knowledge and Learning 知识与学习148
Education 教育151
Language 语言154
Memory 记忆157
Computers 计算机159
Statistics 统计学160
Order and Efficiency 条理与效率161
Teaching and Teachers 教学与教师163
Acting and Actors 表演与演员165
Writing and Writers 写作与作家167
Criticism and Critics 评论与评论家170
Speech and Speakers 演说与演说家173
Poetry and Poets 诗歌与诗人175
Intelligence and Intellectuals 智慧与知识分子177
Work 工作179
Experts 专家182
Art and Artists 艺术与艺术家183
Dance 舞蹈187
Music 音乐188
Gardens 园艺190
Imitation 模仿192
Architecture 建筑193
Sports 体育195
思想道德篇:Ideas and Morality198
Thought 思想198
Ideas 想法200
Opinion 见解203
Democracy 民主205
Equality 平等208
Communication 交流211
Conversation 交谈213
Decision and Desire 决策与欲望215
Excuses 借口217
宗教信仰篇:Religion and Beliefs219
Religion 宗教219
Belief 信仰221
Gratitude 感恩223
Certainty 肯定225
Truth 真理226
Greatness 伟大228
Genius and Talent 天才与天赋230
The Forbidden 禁忌232
Self-Sacrifice 自我牺牲234
历史文化篇:History and Culture236
Beginning and Endings 始终236
History 历史237
The Past 过去240
Time 时间242
Facts 事实245
Culture 文化247
Friends and Friendship 朋友与友谊249
Companionship 伙伴252
Trust 信任254
Sympathy and Pity 同情256
Tolerance 宽容257
Advice 忠告259
Individuality 个性、特性262
Humans and Human Nature 人类与人性264
Confidence and Conscience 自信与良心268
Choice 选择270
Patience 忍耐272
Silence 沉默274
Unhappiness 不快(活)276
Self-Control and Self-Interest 自制与个人利益278
Illusion and Imagination 幻觉与想像280
Character and Personality 性格品质283
The Heart and Emotion 心灵感情286
心灵感情篇:The Heart and Emotion286
Hatred and Dislike 仇恨与憎恶289
Jealousy and Envy 嫉妒290
Shame 羞耻292
Pain and Suffering 疼痛与受苦293
爱情婚姻家庭篇:Love,Marriage and Family297
Kissing 亲吻297
Love 爱情298
Marriage 婚姻303
Family 家庭(1)306
Home 家庭(2)308
Parents and Parenthood 父母天伦310
Business 商业与生意314
金钱商业篇:Money and Business314
Money 金钱317
Wealth 财富320
Rich and Poor 穷与富323
Thrift 节俭324
Experience 经验326
Change 变化328
男人女人篇:Men and Women331
Men and Women 男人与女人331
Women 女人334
Lying and Liars 谎言与骗子338
Privacy 隐私340
Secrets 秘密342
Hope 希望344
The Future 未来347
Purpose 目的349
Ideals and Idealism 理想与理想主义351
Optimism and Pessimism 乐观主义与悲观主义353
Television and Radio 电视与广播357
News and Newspapers 新闻与报纸359
Freedom of Speech and the Press 言论出版自由362
Arguments and Controversy 辩论与争论363
Gossip and Rumor 流言蜚语365
Advertising 广告368
Fame 声望370
Opportunity 机遇373
Fortune and Chance 运气与机会375
Greed 贪婪377
Example 范例379
Excess 过度381
Holidays 节日383
Food and Eating 饮食384
Drinking 饮酒387
Games and Gambling 游戏与赌博389
Freedom and Liberty 自由与解放390
Gifts and Giving 礼物与给予396
Travel 旅行398
休闲创造篇:Idleness and Creation398
Humor and Wit 幽默与机智401
Idleness and Laziness 空闲与懒惰402
Creation and Creativity 创造404
Security 安全406
Help 帮助408
Self-Reliance 自力更生410
Hospitality 好客411
语录学习篇:Quotations and Learning413
Quotations 语录413
Questions 提问415
Problems 问题416
Ignorance and Stupidity 无知与愚昧418
Fools and Foolishness 傻瓜与愚蠢420
Books and Reading 读书422
战争和平篇:War and Peace426
Revolution and Rebellion 革命与造反426
Violence and Force 暴力与武力428
War and Peace 战争与和平430
Victory and Defeat 胜负433
Power 权力(力量)434
Justice 公正437
Military 军旅439
Enemies 敌人440
Hero 英雄442
Rights and Human Rights 权利与人权444
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