

  • 仲伟合,刘岩主编 著
  • 出版社: 上海:上海外语教育出版社
  • ISBN:7544604179
  • 出版时间:2007
  • 标注页数:444页
  • 文件大小:89MB
  • 文件页数:463页
  • 主题词:英国-概况


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Introduction&Liu Yan1

Part Ⅰ.British Fiction:New Readings of Classics11

Passions and Betrayals:A Postcolonial Rereading of T.E. Lawrence's Seven Pillars of Wisdom:A Triumph&Mao Sihui11

In Search of Lost Romance—On the Emotional Life of Stevens in The Remains of the Day&Ma Jianjun29

The Troubled Self:A Study of Gender Relations in D.H. Lawrence's Sons and Lovers&Terry Siu-han Yip35

From Mrs. Dalloway to The Hours:Rethinking the Relations Between Women and Feminism&Qiu Xiaoqing45

A Comparative Study on"Clay"and"Miss Brill"&Dai Guiyu54

Anti-Colonialism in Heart ofDarkness&Ji Junjun59

A Metaphorical Reading of E.M.Forster's A Passage to India&Du Yinyin65

Rereading Britain Anthology:Jane Austen,"Englishness"and Authorship-as-sign&Julianne Pidduck72

An Archetypal Reading of Tess&Huang Jiaxiu83

Desire and Disillusionment—A Lacanian Reading of Jude the Obscure&Zhan Junfeng90

Determinism in Eliot's The Mill on the Floss&Zhang Xin102

Australia:a Promising Land in Victorian Novels&Li Fangmu111

Part Ⅱ.British Poetry and Drama:Certainties and Ambiguities119

Being Female and Being a Poet:Unique Territories and Concerns of Women's Poetry&Wang Hong119

Imagery in Shakespeare's Sonnets&Liu Humin127

God,Imagination&Crow—The Revisional God in the Poems of Blake and Hughes&Fu JingJing133

The Dubious Identity of Ruth in Pinter's The Homecoming&Liu Yan143

The Use of Brecht's A-effect in Churchill's Cloud Nine&Jin Lili154

The Success of a Non-drama as Drama:The Concrete&Conscious Expression of Existentialism in Waiting for Godot&Jiao Min163

George Bernard Shaw's Representation of Women—A Feminist Reading of Mrs. Warren's Profession&Mai Gang173

Part Ⅲ.British Society:Now and Then185

Englishness,Hybridity and Postcolonial Britain&Kwok-kan Tam185

Cohabitation in Britain&Tan Zhi199

V.S. Naipaul's Changing England in The Enigma of Arrival&Zhu Ying207

Rereading the Scottish National Identity Through the William Wallace Tales&Zhan Cheng216

Strategic Communications—A Case Study of Labour Victory in the '97 General Election&Zhao Yinong228

The Recent Developments in the Teaching and Learning of UK Higher Education Institutions&Li Zirong240

Part Ⅳ.British Popular Culture:Strategies vis-à-vis Changes253

The Singularity of the English Sense of Humour&Scott Wi lson253

Celebrity,Reality and Surveillance:Contemporary Trends in British Popular Culture with Special Reference to TV&Ruth Cherrington273

Very Un-British Films:Michael Winterbottom and the Cinema of Incompatibility&Bruce Bennett285

The Full Monty:Reaction to or against Feminism?&Zhuang Qing300

Continuity and Change—British Working-class Screen Image in the 1990s&Shi Tongyun310

BBC's Dilemma in a Globalized Media Market&Wang Ke321

Internet Censorship in the United Kingdom—The Role of Self-regulation&Zhang Xiaoying333

Part Ⅴ.British Literature and Culture in China:Affinities and Differences349

Teaching Shakespeare in Chinese Universities&He Qixin349

The Changing Face of the Teaching Profession:Motivating Students Attending the British Culture Survey Course&Yu Weihua357

An Empirical Study of Teaching English Literature to Non-English Majors in China&Gao Lili373

"Accomplished with That We Lack":Female Cross-Dressing on the Stage&Liao Weichun382

Different Attitudes Towards Life in Endgame and Chinese Works&Zheng Lingjuan391

In Bed with Tracey Emin and Mu Zimei—Pleasure and Jouissance in the Consumption of Cultural Forms&Hu Zhengmin400

Translation of Wilde's Salome in the Republic of China(1912-1949)—Investigating Enlightenment&Liang Jingbi413

Holmes in China—Impact of Translated British Detective Fiction on Chinese Literature in Late Qing Dynasty&Zhang Ping424

About the Authors435
